Nurture The Neck

Nurture The Neck



The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be proactive in how we work with the neck (cervical spine) in our yoga practice, both for our healing and prevention of any possible pain and/or limitation with rotation or overall mobility.

Throughout each day, a great number of us find ourselves in a postural position that’s not quite favourable to encourage the maintenance of healthy alignment, movement, and rotation in the neck.  

Matt offers a pathway of understanding first through anatomy, and then how we can best apply specific techniques and actions that will strengthen, minimize injury or pain and encourage mobility.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
  • Full length 75 minute classes
  • Each Yoga class explore’s how to maintain optimal health in areas of the body that are prone to injury and chronic pain.
  • Highly informative and educational classes for both practitioners and teachers.
  • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and cool down
  • How to use props to modify or enhance benefits of each asana.
  • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
  • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
  • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
  • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
  • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
  • Disclaimer #1: This is not designed as “Yoga Therapy” and will not diagnose or treat any specific ailments or injuries.
  • Disclaimer #2: The purpose of this immersion is for education, exploration and understanding your options: there are no hard and fast solutions to injury’s that can be solved solely by practicing yoga
  • Disclaimer #3: If you have an acute injury, be sure you have a doctors approval prior to practicing this immersion


In order to offset the frontal position we often find ourselves in from daily habits, Matt stresses that we must attend to the back neck muscles.  The Splenius Capitis muscles are diagonally oriented from the middle of the back, up to the neck.  They create lateral flexion, spinal extension, and for rotation.  The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles work in conjunction with the Splenius Capitis muscles.  The SCM is situated in the front of the neck that attaches to the collarbone.  It also connects at the sternum in the front and the mastoid process (at the back side of the skull).  In rotation, the right SCM will shorten and turn our head to the left and the left Splenius Capitis participates by also turning our head to the left.  Understanding this means that we must be intentional about our positioning, alignment, and actions within that alignment.  There are other muscles that participate, however being able to palpate these larger tissues is helpful in being closer to knowing if we feel a change in sensation within the area of the neck.




Just because we may have more “optimal positions” for the neck, it doesn’t mean that we should or will be in those positions all of the time.  This is why we must be intentional.  We should be consistently mindful to nurture the neck by exploring a position where the skull sits more “on top” of the spine more often in daily lives and on the yoga mat.  Implementing this habit along with techniques will remind us to be in these more “optimal positions” more often.  By just pulling the head back alone, it will take some of the stress off of the SCM and start to wake up the Splenius Capitis muscles in the back of the neck. 

200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



  • Deepen your yoga practice
  • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
  • Learn foundational class structures and templates
  • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
  • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
  • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


Now, there’s more than just pulling the head back alone.  That’s just one of the 2 key actions.  For rotation of course, we are turning our heads.  Knowing the anatomy will of course help us to know if we are “doing it properly”, which means when in this position, it feels strong and supportive.  The muscles will be activated, therefore working to strengthen.  Keep in mind, the SCM may always feel as though it is working, but just because it feels taut, doesn’t mean that it is strong.  The SCM may be activated, but taking the actions to create a more equilateral distribution of work and activation will support our quest to actually strengthen the neck to reduce the chances of pain or injury.

    300 hour teacher training online



    Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

    • Get 500 hour certified
    • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
    • Expand your teaching skills
    • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
    • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
    • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


    Warrior II

    Warrior II is a great place to start.  He demonstrates how to use a supportive hand behind the skull like a “self adjustment” in order to get automatic feedback about how we are aligning.  We learn to consistently lift and lengthen through the back of the neck.

    Against The Wall

    This drill takes those 2 actions (lift and lengthen) to the wall.  This time, our whole back body is pressed against the wall, providing even more feedback and information about where we are in space when we come away from this support.

    Half Moon

    There’s more at stake in Half Moon pose, because we are now adding the element of balance.  It tests our ability to maintain the alignment and actions in a new plane

    Incorporating techniques like this will undoubtedly over time, work to adjust our daily habits.  This can ultimately help to mitigate pain and hopefully keep more serious injury at bay.

    Matt’s upcoming 10 class online immersion Therapeutics will do a deeper dive into techniques that will enhance our ability to move with more ease.

    The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

    The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

    Article by Trish Curling

    Video Extracted From: Twists & Folds Immersion

    lotus pose online yoga classes


    • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
    • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
    • Appropriate for both teachers and students
    • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
    • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
    • Release aches and pains
    • Learn how to avoid common injuries
    • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
    • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
    • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
    • Lifetime access

    Continue Learning

    Nurture The Neck

    Nurture The Neck

    Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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    Flying Pigeon Variations

    Flying Pigeon Variations

    Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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    Crow Pose Drills

    Crow Pose Drills

    Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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    Inversion Journey

    Inversion Journey

    Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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    Inversion Success

    Inversion Success

    Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip Injuries



    The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still being vulnerable to injury.  Now, there’s no way to prevent injury, it’s inevitable. We’re susceptible to injury if we’re extremely active, but this is also true if we tend to be more sedentary.  This is why mobility is important.  Robust hip mobility and range of motion help to maintain the health of the muscles that surround the pelvis and the hip joint.  This means it’s imperative that we engage in drills and exercises that promote hip mobility.   If we’re fortunate enough to engage in these movements, we can strengthen these areas, which may help to reduce hip injuries.

    chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



    • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
    • Full length 75 minute classes
    • Each Yoga class explore’s how to maintain optimal health in areas of the body that are prone to injury and chronic pain.
    • Highly informative and educational classes for both practitioners and teachers.
    • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and cool down
    • How to use props to modify or enhance benefits of each asana.
    • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
    • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
    • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
    • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
    • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
    • Disclaimer #1: This is not designed as “Yoga Therapy” and will not diagnose or treat any specific ailments or injuries.
    • Disclaimer #2: The purpose of this immersion is for education, exploration and understanding your options: there are no hard and fast solutions to injury’s that can be solved solely by practicing yoga
    • Disclaimer #3: If you have an acute injury, be sure you have a doctors approval prior to practicing this immersion


    Hip mobility is typically described as how well we can move the hip joints in multiple directions.  When we practice with Matt, we get a more comprehensive definition. He describes it as more than just flexibility.  It’s the harmonious balance between strength and movement control. It involves the muscles surrounding the pelvis and hip joints working together to support functional movement. Mobility is the ability not only to create movement but also to stabilize and prevent unnecessary motion. In yoga, this comes to life in static postures where we can practice contracting and engaging specific muscles, while also developing the ability to release those contractions when needed. By focusing on both strength and flexibility, we cultivate a more functional range of motion in the hips, enhancing stability and fluidity in our practice and daily life.  When we understand this, we can see how we can help to reduce hip injuries.




    Although there are numerous muscles to consider when it comes to reducing hip injuries, today’s clip focuses on what we can do to strengthen the adductors.  

    Standing Inner Thigh Drill

    This first drill helps us to recognize the activation sensation of the adductors, while also easing us into building strength.  The block is placed between the shins.  While internally rotating the thighs, we squeeze the block between the legs.  We then alternate between lifting one leg at a time.

    Two Blocks At The Wall

    In this drill, we place two blocks between the shin or thigh and a wall, far enough that we’re not leaning on the wall but close enough for our thigh to touch the block. Next, we squeeze the leg across the midline to press the block into the wall, activating the adductors, including the pectineus, which also functions as a hip flexor. In the video, Matt also demonstrates how we can increase the intensity of this drill.  

    Bend & Extend

    Similar to the last drill we set up in the same position, this time with one block.  Different from the last drill, movement occurs by bending and straightening at the knee.

    200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



    • Deepen your yoga practice
    • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
    • Learn foundational class structures and templates
    • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
    • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
    • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


    This drill is called “Inside Plank” because of the focus on the inner thighs.  It’s a powerful way to activate the adductors while building hip stability, which is essential when it comes to the desire to reduce hip injuries.   

    In this drill, we start by pressing the sole of your back foot firmly into the ground; this action will naturally lift our hips higher, engaging the adductors to create the movement. We attempt to keep our pelvis close to a 90-degree position to maintain proper alignment and maximize muscle activation while lifting and lowering the bottom leg. For added strength and control, Matt demonstrates that we can hold the position briefly before releasing, focusing on maintaining steady engagement throughout. This drill not only strengthens the inner thighs but also improves overall hip functionality.

      300 hour teacher training online



      Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

      • Get 500 hour certified
      • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
      • Expand your teaching skills
      • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
      • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
      • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


      Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for the adductors to be excluded from the conversation when it comes to strengthening muscles in our yoga practice.  At closer examination, we do however have many opportunities to strengthen this muscle group.  

      In the last drill which might be referred to as “Standing Leg Slides” We set up in a Warrior II like position with one static foot on the mat and the other on the floor outside of the mat (it’s helpful to wear socks).  Using the adductors, we slide one leg in and out while pressing down through the feet and focusing on squeezing the legs towards one another for adductor activation.  In the video, Matt demonstrates the importance of a modest stance, in order to reduce the chance of putting strain on the knee.

      While we can’t completely avoid injury, incorporating strengthening and stability drills into our routine significantly reduces the risk of hip injuries. Good hip mobility, which encompasses balancing range of motion with control, is key to moving freely and confidently. By improving our ability to both create and stop movement, we build resilience in our hips, protecting them during our yoga practice and everyday movement.

      Matt’s next online immersion Therapeutics will provide us with an extensive toolkit to reduce hip injuries. Register here today.

      The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

      The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

      Article by Trish Curling

      Video Extracted From: Hip Mobility Immersion

      lotus pose online yoga classes


      • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
      • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
      • Appropriate for both teachers and students
      • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
      • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
      • Release aches and pains
      • Learn how to avoid common injuries
      • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
      • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
      • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
      • Lifetime access

      Continue Learning

      Nurture The Neck

      Nurture The Neck

      Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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      Reduce Hip Injuries

      Reduce Hip Injuries

      Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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      Crow Pose Drills

      Crow Pose Drills

      Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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      Inversion Journey

      Inversion Journey

      Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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      Inversion Success

      Inversion Success

      Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variations

      eka pada galavasana


      When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the “in-between”.  We may not consider the thread that ties the variations together. The truth is, we must consider it all.  The way that Matt teaches Flying Pigeon variations, offers us the perfect formula to understand how to progress from one step to the next, afterall, this is the essence of Chromatic yoga.  We gain a deeper understanding of how to both master the “in-between” and the variations themselves.  The 2 Flying Pigeon variations Matt demonstrates in today’s video are joined together by what he calls “Variation 1.2” ; it’s the bridge that creates a more seamless connection.  Let’s examine the path that outlines the actions towards success in this arm balance.

      chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



      • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
      • Full length 75 minute classes
      • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
      • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
      • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
      • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
      • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
      • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
      • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
      • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
      • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


      Before we even tackle the variations, we must prepare the body.  Flying Pigeon variations will of course require both hip opening and hip strength.  

      The first preparation we see in the video is a hip stretch.  In this preparation, we set up with a similar position to chair pose, except that we create a “figure 4” with one leg, patterning what the posture looks like (having one shin parallel to the front of the mat.   If we want to reap the benefits of the hip stretch, three of the key actions are anterior tilt of the pelvis, sending the hips back, and bending deeply at the knee of the standing leg, which is where the stretch is going to happen.  Matt also demonstrates how we may deepen this stretch.  He does this by taking the hand opposite to the heel of the foot that’s crossed over and gently pushing further.




      In active Pigeon pose, we nurture both flexibility and strength.  The posture calls for the shin of the front leg to be more parallel to the front of the mat once again. This time however, instead of a passive stretch, Matt teaches us to actively press down through the front shin while pulling the back knee towards the front of the mat.  We’ll see later how that latter action lends well to Flying Pigeon 1, due to the positioning of the back leg towards the chest.  What we cultivate is activation of the buttock muscles (from pressing the shin down) and hip flexor activation (pulling the back knee forward and slightly downward).  If we are hypermobile in the hips, it’s imperative that we implement strengthening techniques like these ones in order to create the stability that’s also required for Flying Pigeon variations.

      200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



      • Deepen your yoga practice
      • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
      • Learn foundational class structures and templates
      • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
      • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
      • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

      FLYING PIGEON 1 & 2

      Flying Pigeon 1

      In this variation, Matt places a block under the foot of the leg that provides support and balance until it potentially lifts up and away from the block.  Now, understanding what is good for your own body and practice at a given time means that we can keep that foot down as we learn more forward into the posture.  Why would this be a good option?  It’s possible that we are not ready to balance, either due to fear, or maybe it’s that we need to stay there to continue to develop more strength in the wrists (which can also reduce fear because the body is more ready to handle the weight).  If we lift the leg up and pull the knee into the chest, then we are also utilizing the hip flexor strength we’ve cultivated.

      Flying Pigeon 2

      In this “next step” we lean more forward in order to take the leg higher.  Before we extend it with the intention of straightening it out, we can execute the “Flying Pigeon 1.2” as Matt referred to it in the full class.  This means pulling the heel in towards the buttocks.  It’s almost like a little extra stop before our next destination.

        300 hour teacher training online



        Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

        • Get 500 hour certified
        • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
        • Expand your teaching skills
        • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
        • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
        • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


        Matt emphasizes that it’s not necessarily a clear jump from one variation to the next.  Yes we establish a foundation, but we must also investigate the actions we can work on and develop between each variation.  The roadmap between two variations may call for a few twists and turns before we execute the “final stage”.  As Matt says in the clip, extending the leg straight out requires a tremendous amount of strength in the gripping of the ground and leaning forward.  

        In Chromatic Yoga, we learn to take a bite size approach.  We go through each step with intention, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge that always leads us to our highest potential.

        Register for Matt’s current online immersion Handstand & Arm Balances to dive deeper into this understanding.

        If you are striving to develop these practices for yourself, but also have a calling to teach, the  next round of Matt’s online 200 & 300 Teacher Trainings begin in February.  Secure your spot today!

        The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

        The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

        Article by Trish Curling

        Video Extracted From: Handstand And Arm Balances

        lotus pose online yoga classes


        • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
        • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
        • Appropriate for both teachers and students
        • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
        • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
        • Release aches and pains
        • Learn how to avoid common injuries
        • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
        • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
        • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
        • Lifetime access

        Continue Learning

        Nurture The Neck

        Nurture The Neck

        Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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        Reduce Hip Injuries

        Reduce Hip Injuries

        Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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        Flying Pigeon Variations

        Flying Pigeon Variations

        Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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        Inversion Journey

        Inversion Journey

        Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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        Inversion Success

        Inversion Success

        Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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        When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

        • the Technique Pack: 15 yoga pose breakdowns
        • exclusive online course discounts
        • exclusive blogs and videos
        • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose Drills



        If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the posture, but we’ll also be able to utilize this new knowledge and patterning to assist in the weight transfer that is imperative for a posture like Handstand.  This of course doesn’t happen overnight.  Establishing discipline and the right training ground will inform our experience.  Implementing Crow pose drills into our practice is an excellent step.  It’s not just about doing random drills we come across online or anywhere else, but it’s always about being intentional.  The Crow pose drills Matt shares come from a lifetime of dedication and research in understanding the human body (anatomy and biomechanics), and arguably more importantly, the human psyche.

        chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



        • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
        • Full length 75 minute classes
        • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
        • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
        • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
        • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
        • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
        • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
        • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
        • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
        • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


        The first Crow pose drill Matt shares, shows us how to explore the shifting of weight, in the posture. We’re not meant to balance here.  It can be scary to think about falling in Crow if we can’t find our balance.  After the demonstration of this drill in the full class, Matt discusses how we can train ourselves psychologically to overcome our fear by actually holding ourselves back from attempting to balance.  This removes the temptation to go overboard and then ultimately end up falling, which is the very thing we fear.

        That first drill is a great precursor to the second drill which is a “Handstand” Crow drill.  Again, if we’re scared to balance, it’s great because we go from the bottom up (our head on the ground and then push away).  This also serves to strengthen the flexors of the wrist, which is essential for Handstand.




        Hollow Body Hops are a great building block that can be implemented as an extension from Matt’s Handstand Prep position #1.  What we improve upon here is our ability to shift our weight more into the hands and away from our feet and hips.  In fact, we pop off of the feet and start to create a longer hold of balanced weight into the hands.

        Here, we place our hands more forward than we would in Handstand Prep #1.  Instead of just lifting the heels we do a slight hop off of the feet to propel ourselves more forward in order to bring the feet closer between the hands once again.

        In the video Matt demonstrates how to go both forward and backwards in these hops.

        200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



        • Deepen your yoga practice
        • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
        • Learn foundational class structures and templates
        • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
        • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
        • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


        An effective way to find balance in Crow pose and to understand where the weight shift needs to occur, is to start from the bottom.  Having explored it in the previous Handstand Crow pose drill is helpful in now attempting to cultivate more control in this approach.

        Matt demonstrates it in two ways.  In the first, we have the support of a cushion underneath the head and the next, we remove the cushion/bolster.  The latter of course comes with more confidence and may take some time.  One of the keys to finding our way up to balance is actively pulling the pubic bone and solar plexus together.  This will help to flex the spine to achieve the desired shape and of course will help to pull ourselves up from the headstand position into Crow.

          300 hour teacher training online



          Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

          • Get 500 hour certified
          • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
          • Expand your teaching skills
          • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
          • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
          • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


          It’s in our nature to resist challenge, but it’s also in our nature to pursue reward and pleasure.  Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that when we achieve arm balances like Crow pose or even Handstand that it is the only reward.  It’s the road in “pursuit” of these postures where we truly achieve reward.  When we cultivate the ability to discern what our own path is, what comes is a strong sense of accomplishment and reward.  We may never “achieve” Crow pose or Handstand, but what we achieve is a healthier sense of self.  We’ve contributed to strength in body and mind.  Within the exploration of these drills we develop strength.  The exploration formulates the path and provides direction. 

          Matt’s current online immersion Handstand and Arm Balances is the perfect step towards the achievement of our highest potential.

          The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

          The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

          Article by Trish Curling

          Video Extracted From: Handstand And Arm Balances

          lotus pose online yoga classes


          • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
          • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
          • Appropriate for both teachers and students
          • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
          • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
          • Release aches and pains
          • Learn how to avoid common injuries
          • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
          • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
          • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
          • Lifetime access

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          Nurture The Neck

          Nurture The Neck

          Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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          Reduce Hip Injuries

          Reduce Hip Injuries

          Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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          Flying Pigeon Variations

          Flying Pigeon Variations

          Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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          Crow Pose Drills

          Crow Pose Drills

          Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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          Inversion Success

          Inversion Success

          Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journey

          adho mukha vrksasana


          In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand is that our inversion journey continues.  Building upon the foundation and continuing to practice and refine never ends.  We are either working to maintain and/or build the musculature, strength, balance, and flexibility to fulfill what’s required of a straight handstand.  If we’re ready to put in the work and build upon what we’ve already established as a good base, then the drills and skills Matt demonstrates today will only take our inversion journey further and amplify our experience and ability.

          chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



          • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
          • Full length 75 minute classes
          • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
          • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
          • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
          • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
          • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
          • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
          • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
          • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
          • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


          Downward Dog Push Ups check off so many things on the list of what’s required for handstand development.  In our inversion journey, it’s going to help to build upper body strength, more specifically in the shoulders, triceps, and forearms.

          Matt demonstrates 2 variations in today’s video.  In the first, we are in a more “traditional” Downward Dog position (both feet on the ground) and in the second, we are in a Three Legged Dog position which increases the weight of the movement.

          The unique thing about both variations is that it’s what we do through the wrists and the hands that intensifies this drill. When returning to a lengthened position from bent elbows, we lift the heel of the hands, then the head of the metacarpals, finally coming up to the fingertips.  At the top of the movement elbows are straight and shoulders are up towards the ears.




          Hollow Body Hops are a great building block that can be implemented as an extension from Matt’s Handstand Prep position #1.  What we improve upon here is our ability to shift our weight more into the hands and away from our feet and hips.  In fact, we pop off of the feet and start to create a longer hold of balanced weight into the hands.

          Here, we place our hands more forward than we would in Handstand Prep #1.  Instead of just lifting the heels we do a slight hop off of the feet to propel ourselves more forward in order to bring the feet closer between the hands once again.

          In the video Matt demonstrates how to go both forward and backwards in these hops.

          200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



          • Deepen your yoga practice
          • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
          • Learn foundational class structures and templates
          • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
          • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
          • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


          Tuck Switch

          Here we build upon Handstand Prep position #3.  Again, it’s more dynamic.  We are tucking one knee into the chest.  We continue to practice the shift of the weight into the hands while alternating the tuck into the chest of each leg.  Within this drill too, we can take a step back from the more active tuck switch by creating a smaller, slower switch of the feet.  Alternatively, just like the Hollow Body Hops, we can practice a longer hold.

          Kick Switch

          In Handstand Prep position #2, Matt teaches us how to set up an “L” shape in Handstand.  Just like the tuck switches, we are jumping off of one leg and landing with the other.  Instead of the tuck, both legs are extended in a lengthened position.

            300 hour teacher training online



            Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

            • Get 500 hour certified
            • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
            • Expand your teaching skills
            • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
            • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
            • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


            Mastering going forward is not only a neurological pattern we must etch into our bodies to create the physical shift of moving the weight out of our feet and into our hands in order to get upside down, but it’s also a mindset that can test us.

            One of the best ways to refine our ability to master going forward into the hands is to utilize blocks.  In the video, Matt demonstrates the kick switches with blocks at his forearms.  Immediately we see how this positively impacts the alignment of the forearms, but also the domino effect of how it helps us to more effortlessly lift off of the feet.

            As we move along in our inversion journey we must also master the mindset to go forward due to the frustration we can experience when we “hit a wall” (pun intended).  There is always an access point and a skill we can build to move onto the next step.

            If you want to access the plethora of knowledge, drills, and techniques Matt shares in his classes, it’s not too late to register for his current 10 class online immersion: Handstand and Arm Balances.

            The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

            The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

            Article by Trish Curling

            Video Extracted From: 10 Day Handstand Program

            lotus pose online yoga classes


            • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
            • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
            • Appropriate for both teachers and students
            • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
            • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
            • Release aches and pains
            • Learn how to avoid common injuries
            • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
            • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
            • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
            • Lifetime access

            Continue Learning

            Nurture The Neck

            Nurture The Neck

            Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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            Reduce Hip Injuries

            Reduce Hip Injuries

            Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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            Flying Pigeon Variations

            Flying Pigeon Variations

            Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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            Crow Pose Drills

            Crow Pose Drills

            Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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            Inversion Journey

            Inversion Journey

            Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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            Inversion Success

            Inversion Success

            Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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            When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

            • the Technique Pack: 15 yoga pose breakdowns
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            • exclusive blogs and videos
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            BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Congratulations, your 30% discount code has been applied and will be reflected at the very bottom of the checkout page. All Immersions & Immersion Bundles are included in this sale. To get more info on each immersion click on the photo. On Demand and Lifetime Access To all
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            BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Congratulations, your 30% discount code has been applied and will be reflected at the very bottom of the checkout page. All Immersions & Immersion Bundles are included in this sale. To get more info on each immersion click on the photo. On Demand and Lifetime Access To all

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