Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps



Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and proprioception require attention.  

By performing tuck jumps, we build strength and bring awareness to how we utilize our glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and shoulders, which are essential for supporting our body weight when inverted.  More than this, we learn the articulations of the body in places like the pelvis, rib cage, and shoulders in order to find the best alignment to support ourselves while inverted.

In today’s video, Matt demonstrates drills that move us towards finding confidence in our handstand development.  Ultimately we are left with increased strength and balance.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



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Handstand Preparation I

With the support of a chair, one of the things this stage of preparation for tuck jumps and handstands works on is hip flexor activation.  Matt demonstrates that we do this by focusing on pressing both feet down into the chair.  It’s also essential because it’s always part of the set up for the drills that follow.

Handstand Preparation II

This time, we bring one leg straight up in the air and reach it back, while still pressing the other leg towards the ground (or into the chair).  As we learn forward with the torso and press the top leg back, this helps to utilize strength in the glutes and hamstrings.

Handstand Preparation III

Now we start to see more evidence of the tuck position.  Here we alternate the legs by going from a tuck position to a lengthened position.




In this stage of preparation for tuck jumps, we pass through Handstand preparations I & II. Setting up the pelvis is crucial for achieving the proper alignment necessary for successful jumps. Matt creates a posterior pelvic tilt, which helps stabilize the lower back and engage the core effectively.  Matt is careful to squeeze his knees together, creating a unified strength in the lower body. This alignment not only enhances balance but also facilitates a smoother transition into the jump when we’re ready to explore. Additionally, Matt actively stretches his shoulders up to his ears, being careful to keep the arms active and straight. This engagement ensures that his arms are strong and ready to support the weight of the body during the handstand. By focusing on these key elements, he sets a solid foundation for mastering the tuck jump and progressing towards the handstand.

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Even when we begin to explore Tuck Jumps, there are still stages that help us to ease in. 

First, we start in an “L – Hop” and then take both feet to a wall behind us with the knees bent.  Staying in that position while working towards stacking the ribcage, hips, and shoulders serve to create the foundation for us to now proceed with exploration of the “jump”.

At this next stage, Matt continues to utilize a block at the wrist and forearms in order to maintain the vertical position.  He reminds us then when we implement the jump, it’s common for us to lean back instead of leaning forward.

If you’ve practiced handstands with Matt before, then you’ll know that the “lean, grip, push” elements are consistently the basis for handstands therefore, also applying to tuck jumps.

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As we go through the preparations, we learn that without the static holds, and practice of control, we would never find the “float” or “hang time” in our tuck jumps and of course ultimately handstand.

The stronger and more stable we are, the lighter we will feel.  Yes, there is a tremendous amount of effort to build the necessary strength, but the reward is ease when our bodies are prepared.  Preparation is the path to execution.

Matt’s Italy Retreat in April 2025 is now open for registration and spaces are limited. Secure your spot for the ultimate guidance and support of your practice.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Mobility Immersion

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations

Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

Bird of ParadiseSvarga DvijasanaBIRD OF PARADISE In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be...

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations



The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even frustrating. What are counter rotations? Counter rotations happen when our joints move simultaneously in opposite directions, and this is why confusion may take over. Because they assist in increased muscle engagement, counter rotations serve to increase support and stability within a given posture.  

In today’s video, Matt explains how to simplify the actions to more easily adopt them into our practice. There are 4 specific postures we’ll examine. The implementation of these actions within these postures can transform our experience and help us balance and move more efficiently.

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Downward Dog

Matt asks us to apply a push action to connect from the outer shoulder blade to the outer hand. This push increases upward rotation in the shoulder blades, creating space in the glenohumeral joint and reducing shoulder impingement risk; it also engages the triceps. Next, the biceps are engaged by the counteraction of isometrically pulling each hand toward the opposite shoulder. The key counter rotations are to externally rotate the upper arms while internally rotating the forearms, pressing the inner palms into the mat.


In Dolphin Pose, wrist strain can be common, so rolling up the mat to support the wrists is helpful. Depending on the sensations in the shoulders and wrists, we can adjust, but the main counteraction involves pronating the forearms while externally rotating the upper arms, as demonstrated in the video.




In Pincha Mayurasana, a more intense inversion, it’s essential that we pronate the forearms while gripping our fingers into the ground. These actions provide a stable foundation. Next, the counter rotation to the pronation in the forearms is the external rotation of the upper arms. These opposite actions stabilize our bodies to increase balance in this inversion.  

It’s also important to note that these counter rotations help to distribute the weight more evenly through the shoulders, arms, and wrists. Putting too much weight or emphasis in one area is common, especially if we are trying to compensate for tension or restriction. Discerning how our bodies respond to these counter rotations is vital. Should we avoid something due to pain, or is there room for development to ease restrictions? These questions are important to navigate.

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In Mayurasana, the counter rotations can be described as opposite actions. These actions are to shift our weight forward while pulling our hands towards the front of the mat. While this pulling is resisting our weight leaning forward, what happens is that we find balance. The pulling action also strengthens the biceps. Matt notes that Mayurasana is one of the very few yoga postures that does so. 

Depending on our experience with this posture, it may not be easy, but these are definitely concepts we can grasp and put into practice.

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Progress in these poses requires flipping the script—shifting from simply holding or pushing our way through a posture to actively engaging in the counteractions. Instead of resisting the challenges we face when exploring these poses, we have the opportunity to use counter rotations to create balance, control, and stability. This ultimately paves the way for growth in both practice and mindset.

Dive into the fullest potential of your practice! Get more information here about Matt’s 200 & 300 Hr. Teacher Training .

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Mobility Immersion

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations

Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

Bird of ParadiseSvarga DvijasanaBIRD OF PARADISE In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be...

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird of Paradise

Svarga Dvijasana


In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be cognizant of is how we are slowly building it from the ground up. Beyond going slowly, it’s very much about the techniques we implement for safe execution, from the feet all the way up into the hips and shoulders. 

Another integral part of our yoga practice is the embodiment of vairagya. As much as we place effort and consistency into the techniques as we move towards Bird of Paradise, we must still remain laser focused on the detachment from the results. It’s the process and journey of learning that teaches us the most. Let’s explore the technique process Matt teaches to nurture our practice as a whole.

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The Traditional Variation

One of the most alluring things about this setup is that the internal rotation actually initiates the access to the bind. With the torso low to the ground, internally rotating the shoulder is what allows the lower arm to have more freedom to move. This movement helps us find the bind or the clasp. From there, we can scoop the tailbone under while moving slowly into a backbend and then gradually implementing the external rotation in the shoulders that is required to open the chest.

Bound Side-Angle Standing at the Wall     

Even though this variation is on one leg, we’re still minimizing the balance element. Using the articulations from the previous variation, we are more mindful of the forward force from the hip of the standing leg. It’s common to thrust it forward, but we actually need to pull it back.





Now we start to consider how to prepare for more balance in Bird of Paradise. In the video, Matt begins at the wall in the Bound Side-Angle variation. This time, we gradually take the bottom foot closer to the wall. This creates more stability for us to balance on the standing leg. Next, we lean away from the wall and begin to point the toes of the top foot, which also shifts our stance to become more upright. This may also reveal any pressure or punching forward of the shoulders, in particular the shoulder that is in front of the top leg.

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If we are feeling the urge to force ourselves into the shape, this is where we can back off and explore other options for entry.  

Bending at the hips while placing the top leg on a chair can help us to work on the connection of the shoulder and the inner knee. It’s imperative to bring them close together, but doing so requires a generous amount of hip opening.  Picking the leg up from the height of the chair may provide increased accessibility.  

For better balance, bending the knee of the standing leg can increase stability.

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Part of negotiating the dance between the balance and the bind is deciding where to place our focus and attention. Do we need to work on hip mobility more than shoulder mobility? Is it the other way around? Maybe it’s both? Any given practice can reveal what we actually need, so it’s important to stay in tune with what our bodies are telling us. 

No matter what, deep hip flexion is required so that we keep it tight between the top leg and the shoulder that’s on the same side.  

In the video, we see that the shoulder is pulled down into more internal rotation. We need the opposite action if we sacrifice the tight closure just to be able to extend the top leg.  

If we slowly work on where to bend, we can then bind and ultimately balance, one step at a time.

Take your practice to the next level! Registration for Matt’s 200 & 300 Hr. Teacher Training is now open.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Shoulder Mobility Immersion

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations

Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

Bird of ParadiseSvarga DvijasanaBIRD OF PARADISE In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be...

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment



Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive its health is to infuse all of the larger muscles and all of the smaller refinement muscles with strength, creating stability in the pose. The two key areas that support the treatment of Tree Pose are the hamstrings and pelvis. Understanding how to express the alignment and articulations in our bodies will transform how we execute this standing balance posture.

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Firmly planting the foot of the bent leg of Tree Pose into the adductors of the standing leg, along with a lift up towards the groin, might be difficult without enough strength in the hamstrings of the bent leg. One of the ways to develop this strength in Tree Pose is to place a sock or massage ball behind the knee. Squeezing the ball between the hamstrings and the calf muscles will help with the sensation of activating the hamstrings. In the video, Matt also demonstrates that although it might be challenging to lock the foot in place as previously mentioned, this action may still be easier than taking the foot away while maintaining the squeeze of the ball. This is how we can challenge ourselves: by removing the friction.





Part of the treatment in Tree Pose is to examine pelvic and spinal alignment. First, we must recognize that this is an asymmetrical posture. In the setup, lifting the leg and placing the foot into the adductors automatically sets the pelvis in a slightly asymmetrical position. Hugging in the hip of the standing leg can set us on a path to negotiate our intention in Tree Pose at any given time. The result of the hugging in is a lift of the pelvis on the side of the bent leg, which takes the spine off center. Now, we can make a choice. We can keep a straight spine, which makes the upper part of the posture more diagonal, or we can side bend to make the pose more upright.

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It’s extremely important to hug in the hip of the standing leg to cultivate more stability. Additionally, when we execute articulations like this, we pattern the brain and body to rely on the larger muscles. These muscles will assist in sealing in balance in Tree Pose.  

A common occurrence, however, is that when balancing on one foot, we can get caught up in trying to place all of the weight of the balance into the ankles. Distributing some of the responsibility into bigger muscles, like the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and the tensor fasciae latae (TFL) of the thigh, will provide the support needed to take further action. The actions that follow completely transform our ability to remain stable and secure, yet more at ease with our ability in the posture.

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Tiny refinements act as a foundation beneath the frame of the larger setup.  

Here are some key actions Matt demonstrates to fine-tune Tree Pose:

  • Move the inner thigh bone of the standing leg back
  • On the same side, draw the sit bone down towards the heel
  • Implement the 3 Points of the Feet: Press the big toe, pinky toe, and heel down into the ground
  • Slightly close the pelvis on the side of the bent knee

These refinements work in conjunction with the larger outer hip muscles for maximum balance in Tree Pose.

Learning and implementing articulations like these enrich our practice.  

Matt’s next cohort of 200 & 300 Hr. Teacher Training begins in October.  Registration is open if you’re ready to take action and level up your practice.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Videos Extracted From: Lotus Immersion & Alignment Immersion

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations

Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

Bird of ParadiseSvarga DvijasanaBIRD OF PARADISE In Bird of Paradise, we’re balancing while binding, which can be quite an undertaking. Preparation for this posture requires shoulder mobility, hip mobility, and a tremendous amount of strength. What we also need to be...

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose



We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose is for when we are in pursuit of the latter. The full pose requires an ample amount of strength, but it will equally build strength if we are not yet at that point. Taking steps to practice Peacock Pose means we are ready to jump into the fire of what this arm balance posture has to offer.  

With regard to arm balances, Matt teaches us the concept of “lean, resist, push.” This is what guides us to ultimately finding our balance. The same concept exists in Peacock Pose, except that we must approach the “resist” portion differently. The backwards placement of the hands changes our experience. The muscle engagements are different.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • Step-by-step guidance
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Even though we have many of the traditional principles of an arm balance in Peacock Pose, there’s a lot we can learn from what is different. For example, the placement of the hands is backwards, which makes our hands a pulling force rather than the usual pushing. Our biceps pull us into a position to avoid leaning too much and falling over.

Asana practice, however, does not provide many opportunities for bicep strength. So how do we prepare these muscles, which are integral to the pose? In today’s video, Matt offers two drills that can be incorporated into our practice. 

First, like a bicep curl, you can place one hand on top of the other and resist the push of the top hand by bringing the bottom hand up toward your face or by simply creating an isometric contraction.

Next, on hands and knees, you can pull one hand toward the other, even swiping each hand up to the opposite shoulder.




As always, progression is key. When it’s time to actually explore Peacock Pose, this Baddha Konasana variation is a great step before we attempt the plank-like position. Why? It’s an option that allows us to create less weight in the pose by having our knees bent.  

To start off, placing some soft support out in front is a good plan, just in case we fall.  

In this Baddha Konasana variation of Peacock Pose, we practice the hand placement and arm setup while creating a diamond shape in the legs.  As we lean forward, we must remember that nothing is stopping us! The biceps (our pulling muscles) need to work. It’s all about pressing our hands into the ground and pulling them towards our face, which will help with the counterbalance. The action will move some weight back towards our feet, which will help us from falling forward.

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When we arrive in this variation of Peacock Pose, the back muscles are of course involved, but it’s the leaning forward that also takes the legs up.

Additionally, there can be some conversation about the placement of the elbows. With a deeply rounded back, we may get them very low on the belly, even below the belly button, especially during the initial setup phase, but body proportion needs to be taken into consideration. Matt reminds us that when the legs lift up, it can move the belly button area further away from the elbows. It doesn’t mean that they are now in the wrong place.

Essentially, we have the same setup as in the previous variation, but you’ll see in the video that the legs go straight back and we need to be bold with the “lean” element.

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Before we even attempt any variation of Peacock Pose, we must not only prepare the pulling muscles (with bicep drills like those offered in today’s video) but also understand how much we need to lean forward to protect our wrists.  If we are at a 90 degree angle or less, this may cause a lot of pressure on the wrists. Leaning forward will increase the angle and potentially minimize the tension. It’s like a cycle: Unless we prepare the pulling muscles, we will not have the capacity to lean to the necessary degree.  

The beauty of the practice is developing this discernment. We develop a sense for what stage fits our development. Taking care to use this discernment indicates longevity in our bodies and in our practice.  

Prepare to receive step-by-step instruction and education in Matt’s upcoming online arm balance workshop, Step into the Fire.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Arm Balance Immersion 

lotus pose online yoga classes


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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter Rotations

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Bird Of Paradise

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Arm Balance


If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg behind us, splitting it from the bottom leg.

As with any arm balance, we can encounter some challenges. A common occurrence when sending that top leg back is losing the “sweet spot” of the counterbalance.  

The good news is that there are actions, articulations, and variations we can engage in to conquer these challenges. In today’s video, Matt demonstrates a variety of ways to approach Eka Pada Koundinyasana I that will meet us where we are in the development of this pose.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • Step-by-step guidance
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Unless it is a regular part of our practice, attempting Eka Pada Koundinyasana I may feel discouraging. The pieces may not come together as we want them to, or in the timeline we desire—but this is where the practice happens. It’s our opportunity to take intentional action in the direction of growth, while learning to release the outcomes.

What we also have in our favor is guidance. Matt offers a first variation that lays a foundation. It’s in a supine position, which allows us to focus our well-placed efforts on the nuances and to strengthen in order to prepare for the variations in which balance is required.

One of the key takeaways is this: Just because we are supine doesn’t mean we don’t stay active in our bodies. For example, we use a high degree of abdominal engagement to draw the front leg higher onto the supportive arm.




We may also find it difficult to lift both legs off the ground. Practicing by attempting to lift only one leg may help us gain a sense of what’s required. Using the front foot as a kickstand can allow us to explore what it feels like to lift in the back leg while we contemplate how much we need to go forward with the torso in order to lift the back leg higher. Once we feel secure and strong enough, we can slowly start to play with the idea of bringing the front foot forward and eventually lifting that foot off the ground. This kickstand variation of Eka Pada Koundinyasana I offers us the assurance that until we find full flight, the front foot can remain as a base while we work on muscle engagement and pelvic articulations.

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Just like in last week’s article about Eka Pada Koundinyasana II, wearing socks as a prop to assist in sliding the front foot forward can make Eka Pada Koundinyasana I more accessible.

Here too, progression and advancement are in the finer details. It’s not uncommon to find it challenging to keep the bottom leg in place on the upper arm. To help with this, Matt teaches us to rotate the pelvis in a way that the “top pelvis” does a hip hike, which will help roll the bottom leg up the arm. Achieving this effectively makes the posture more vertical, which helps us not have to lean forward as much. Matt compares it to how we understand the way a handstand works: When it’s stacked more vertically, we can rely on less counterbalance and become more weightless, therefore maintaining better access to the posture.

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If we’re not quite ready to take flight, this variation of Eka Pada Koundinyasana I on a chair may be the perfect option. In many ways, it’s similar to the kickstand setup. We start off by keeping the bottom foot on the ground, then placing the top foot on a chair behind us (best to have a chair that doesn’t roll or slide). Once we feel secure, we can start to extend the bottom leg forward. Don’t forget to lean forward to actually be able to extend that leg!  

This exploration with a chair takes some weight off of the posture, creating a pathway towards building enough strength for the ability to take flight in this arm balance.

If you want to unlock more access to arm balances like this one, register for Matt’s next 2-hour online arm balance workshop, Step into the Fire.

The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

Article by Trish Curling

Video Extracted From: Flow and Fly Immersion 

lotus pose online yoga classes


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  • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
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Tuck Jumps

Tuck Jumps

Tuck JumpsHandstandTUCK JUMPS Without a doubt, tuck jumps are a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands.  When we go through the course of preparation, it’s not the first step, but it’s definitely a way of identifying where strength and...

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Counter Rotations

Counter RotationsStabilityCOUNTER ROTATIONS The isolation of specific articulations in a yoga posture can be tricky to implement when we’re still learning how our bodies move. When we begin to explore counter rotations, this layer might feel confusing or even...

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Bird Of Paradise

Bird Of Paradise

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A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose Treatment

A Tree Pose TreatmentVrksasanaA TREE POSE TREATMENT Tree Pose may appear to be a posture we can just “jump into” because of its “accessibility” from anywhere we might be standing, but it definitely requires more refinement than we might think. A treatment to revive...

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Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock Pose

Practice Peacock PoseMayurasanaPRACTICE PEACOCK POSE We go to our yoga practice for many different reasons at any given time. In our asana practice, we are sometimes seeking softness and ease. At other times, we might be striving for vigour and strength. Peacock Pose...

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Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Eka Pada Koundinyasana IArm BalanceEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA I If Side Crow is already part of our practice, then Eka Pada Koundinyasana I is like adding on another layer to that posture, because they are quite similar. The added layer is that we extend the top leg...

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