Down Dog: Avoid Shoulder Impingement

3 Steps to Avoid Shoulder Impingement

in Downward-Facing Dog

Should You “Relax Your Shoulders” Away From Your Ears?

In my previous blog, “The Yoga Cue That Could Be Destroying Your Shoulders,” I explained how taking the arms up overhead while dropping our shoulders down our back could be a recipe for shoulder impingement. Many teachers use Downward Dog as a “resting pose.”  In my experience, I have found that “relaxing” in Downward Dog is quite often the reason for most shoulder issues but can easily be rectified with the 3 cues I provide in the video and photo breakdown below: 

  1. Externally Rotate the Humerus
  2. Pronate the Forearms (not directly related to the shoulder but balances out Step 1)
  3. Elevate the Scapula 

Elevation of the scapula happens when you lift your shoulder blades upward, which is like “shrugging” your shoulders, or when you excitedly reach your arms up to the sky. We naturally let our shoulders lift when our arms go up, but since many instructors cue the opposite, it is easy develop a pattern that does not serve the health of our shoulders. In addition to the verbal cue of “soften your shoulders,” gravity also causes issues if we don’t actively resist when we are in postures like Downward Dog, Forearm Stand, Handstand, or in a jump forward. My suggestion is to strengthen the muscles that elevate the scapula (upper trapezius and serratus anterior being the primary ones) in order to develop the pattern that can help to avoid shoulder impingement.

Many people cringe when I suggest strengthening the muscles that lift the shoulders up, saying something like “but my shoulders are stuck up by my ears, shouldn’t I relax them down?” The short answer is yes, but the longer answer is that muscles hold tension when they are weak. Your shoulders are likely up by your ears because of stress, rather than excess strength . . . unless you are a world champion bodybuilder . . . then ignore this. We also have muscle-holding patterns, which means that when we hold our neck, head, and arms in one position for most of the day, it will cause the muscles to become accustomed to holding those positions, and as a result you will be somewhat stuck in that shape. Simply pulling your shoulders back down will not relax the trapezius; rather, it could cause more stress, and the muscle could become more aggravated.



  • Increase strength and flexibility
  • Decrease risk of injury
  • Release shoulder tension
  • Learn anatomy and biomechanics
  • Access a wider range of postures
  • Stabilize the rotator cuff muscles
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Relaxing is undoubtedly important, and it will help release tension in your mind and body. At the same time, muscles relax from being activated properly and then released. You have certainly experienced this after engaging your muscles in a good workout or yoga class and then the incredible relaxation afterwards. Stretching a muscle can help release tension at times, but more often than not, I find active engagement or passive shortening of a muscle is far more effective. When a muscle is healthy and strong, it is better able to relax.

Follow the 3 easy steps in the video below to avoid shoulder impingement, and you will grow stronger in your trapezius muscles and rotator cuff.

Maintaining Joint Space

Research indicates that externally rotating the humerus helps to move the supraspinatus tendon away from the impingement area under the acromion process. Essentially this means that by rotating your arm bones outward (biceps turn forward) you are less likely to pinch the the soft tissues that run between your arm bone and the shoulder socket. 



  • Part 1: Get strong in key areas for Handstand
  • Part 2: Learn to Balance Handstand
  • Techniques, anatomy and drills to gain mastery on your hands
  • Easy to follow, step by step approach
  • Find weak points and make them your strengths
  • The most efficient & effective course to access handstand
  • Option to purchase each course separately or together


$298.00 $148.00

Other Helpful Muscle Engagements

Research also shows that activating both the biceps and triceps at the same time  can actually support creating more space in the glenohumeral joint  (where the arm meets the shoulder socket). You can do this by actively pushing the arms straight, and then try to squeeze your hands toward each other like a bull dog.   It is challenging to do oppositional muscle engagements so this takes a bit of exploring. First work on straightening the elbows and activating the triceps. When you squeeze your arms toward each other you will also get the added benefit of activating the adductor muscles which can also support more space in the shoulder joint.


Your shoulder joints do not know the difference between downward dog and handstand – aside from the gravitational pull, the shoulders are in the same alignment in downward dog as they are in handstand, this is called flexion. When the arms are flexed over head, you are at risk of impingement. The only difference is that in handstand you have to compete with gravity and so you will need to increase your efforts. You will find much more on this subject in the online course titled Handstand Part 2: Balance.

Step 1 - Externally Rotate the Arm Upper Arm Bone

Rotating the humerus externally when the arm goes up over head can help to avoid the impingement interval in the joint. One of your rotator cuff muscles, the supraspinatus, runs through the glenohumeral joint (under the acromion process and above the head of the humerus). This muscle helps to lift the arms up from tadasana, but because of its location it is easily pinched if the arms go over head but the shoulder blades don’t follow the movement. Downward dog is often the culprit- the weight of the body on the shoulders requires that we put effort into the posture to push the ground away, however with cues like “relax your shoulders” and “soften” we often release the appropriate muscular action required to maintain space resulting in shoulder impingement. In plain English – Externally rotate your arms (triceps rotate toward your face) and you will maintain more space in the joint and less potential for impingement. 

Step 3: Upward Rotation of The Scapula

From the outer line of your shoulder blades press through your hands into the earth. When you elevate your shoulder blades toward the ears from the outside line of the arm, the bottom wingtip of the scapula begins to rotate out and up – this is known as upward rotation of the scapula. As a result of upward rotation your shoulder blades rotates and angles itself to allow the arm bone to be overhead without a collision of bones in the joint, creating less possibility of impingement. 

Step 2: Pronate the Forearm

When externally rotating the upper arm bone you will notice that the lower arm (forearm) will go along for the ride and rotate as well. This results in an increased pressure in the outside of the hand and wrist. To evenly distribute the weight to the whole hand, simply pronate your forearm, by rotating the inner forearm and hand down toward the ground. Many teachers will stress this by asking you to press your index finger and thumb down. Depending on your range of motion in your radial ulnar joint,  you may not be able to press the inside edge of your hand down and maintain external rotation of the shoulder. My suggestion is to turn the hands slightly outward if this is the case. Learning to rotate the forearm in opposition of the upper arm bone can be challenging, but through mindful repetition you will be able to do it, and you will feel an increased strength and stability from it. To Strengthen your wrist, I highly recommend Handstand Training

The 3 Actions

While I have broken this down into 3 steps, with time and practice it can be 1 step and the 3 actions can happen all at once. To build muscle coordination it is useful to separate the actions and practice them individually. Though I created a definitive order to follow, know that it is beneficial to mix up the 3 steps and put them out of order. You may find another combination to work better for your body! The dotted red line above is to indicate the path of the bottom wing tip of the scapula. If you do not do push the bottom wing tip will wind up closer to the spine, it is helpful to video yourself to see where your shoulder blades are on your back. 




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Depression of the Scapula

Pulling your shoulders down away from the ears is the opposite of everything I have mentioned in this post, however it is an important action to work on especially for arm balances like side plank because depression creates stability when the arms are at or below shoulder height.

When Can I Relax My Shoulders?

One of the best parts about getting stronger with shoulder elevation (upward rotation) is that the muscles of your upper trapezius will become more supple and be able to relax more easily. Just like after working really hard in a yoga class you feel that complete relaxation in your body, each of your muscles experience that after being strengthened. There are plenty of opportunities to relax your shoulders down your back – just not when you reach your arms overhead. So when you are sitting at your chair you can think shoulders move slightly back and shoulder blades relax downward. When you are in a strong posture like crow pose and your upper arms are not over head, you can even work on strengthening the muscles of depression of the scapula. My philosophy on the body is that there are no wrong actions or muscle engagements, there are just appropriate and inappropriate times to use them.

A great rule of thumb you can take with you: when in doubt just let your shoulders follow your hands – if the hands go up, let your shoulders go up, if they go down let them go down, if you reach forward let them go forward, etc. Enjoy your exploration, thank you for stopping by!




Handstand Training

Learn the techniques that make Handstand fun, easy and accessible! This 2 part course consists of the top most effective exercises will increase your strength and technique so you can easefully balance a handstand.

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In this 12 class immersion  you will practice specific techniques to strengthen and unlock your shoulders. Each class focuses on a specific joint articulation and muscle group so you gain mastery in the shoulders.

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Finally, a 12 class immersion designed specifically to help you discover the freedom of heart openers. Learn how to avoid uncomfortable compression, and awaken your true range of motion in a step by step manner.

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Nurture The Neck

Nurture The Neck

Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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Reduce Hip Injuries

Reduce Hip Injuries

Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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Flying Pigeon Variations

Flying Pigeon Variations

Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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Crow Pose Drills

Crow Pose Drills

Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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Inversion Journey

Inversion Journey

Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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Inversion Success

Inversion Success

Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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Nurture The Neck

Nurture The Neck



The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be proactive in how we work with the neck (cervical spine) in our yoga practice, both for our healing and prevention of any possible pain and/or limitation with rotation or overall mobility.

Throughout each day, a great number of us find ourselves in a postural position that’s not quite favourable to encourage the maintenance of healthy alignment, movement, and rotation in the neck.  

Matt offers a pathway of understanding first through anatomy, and then how we can best apply specific techniques and actions that will strengthen, minimize injury or pain and encourage mobility.

chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



  • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
  • Full length 75 minute classes
  • Each Yoga class explore’s how to maintain optimal health in areas of the body that are prone to injury and chronic pain.
  • Highly informative and educational classes for both practitioners and teachers.
  • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and cool down
  • How to use props to modify or enhance benefits of each asana.
  • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
  • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
  • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
  • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
  • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
  • Disclaimer #1: This is not designed as “Yoga Therapy” and will not diagnose or treat any specific ailments or injuries.
  • Disclaimer #2: The purpose of this immersion is for education, exploration and understanding your options: there are no hard and fast solutions to injury’s that can be solved solely by practicing yoga
  • Disclaimer #3: If you have an acute injury, be sure you have a doctors approval prior to practicing this immersion


In order to offset the frontal position we often find ourselves in from daily habits, Matt stresses that we must attend to the back neck muscles.  The Splenius Capitis muscles are diagonally oriented from the middle of the back, up to the neck.  They create lateral flexion, spinal extension, and for rotation.  The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles work in conjunction with the Splenius Capitis muscles.  The SCM is situated in the front of the neck that attaches to the collarbone.  It also connects at the sternum in the front and the mastoid process (at the back side of the skull).  In rotation, the right SCM will shorten and turn our head to the left and the left Splenius Capitis participates by also turning our head to the left.  Understanding this means that we must be intentional about our positioning, alignment, and actions within that alignment.  There are other muscles that participate, however being able to palpate these larger tissues is helpful in being closer to knowing if we feel a change in sensation within the area of the neck.




Just because we may have more “optimal positions” for the neck, it doesn’t mean that we should or will be in those positions all of the time.  This is why we must be intentional.  We should be consistently mindful to nurture the neck by exploring a position where the skull sits more “on top” of the spine more often in daily lives and on the yoga mat.  Implementing this habit along with techniques will remind us to be in these more “optimal positions” more often.  By just pulling the head back alone, it will take some of the stress off of the SCM and start to wake up the Splenius Capitis muscles in the back of the neck. 

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Now, there’s more than just pulling the head back alone.  That’s just one of the 2 key actions.  For rotation of course, we are turning our heads.  Knowing the anatomy will of course help us to know if we are “doing it properly”, which means when in this position, it feels strong and supportive.  The muscles will be activated, therefore working to strengthen.  Keep in mind, the SCM may always feel as though it is working, but just because it feels taut, doesn’t mean that it is strong.  The SCM may be activated, but taking the actions to create a more equilateral distribution of work and activation will support our quest to actually strengthen the neck to reduce the chances of pain or injury.

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    Warrior II

    Warrior II is a great place to start.  He demonstrates how to use a supportive hand behind the skull like a “self adjustment” in order to get automatic feedback about how we are aligning.  We learn to consistently lift and lengthen through the back of the neck.

    Against The Wall

    This drill takes those 2 actions (lift and lengthen) to the wall.  This time, our whole back body is pressed against the wall, providing even more feedback and information about where we are in space when we come away from this support.

    Half Moon

    There’s more at stake in Half Moon pose, because we are now adding the element of balance.  It tests our ability to maintain the alignment and actions in a new plane

    Incorporating techniques like this will undoubtedly over time, work to adjust our daily habits.  This can ultimately help to mitigate pain and hopefully keep more serious injury at bay.

    Matt’s upcoming 10 class online immersion Therapeutics will do a deeper dive into techniques that will enhance our ability to move with more ease.

    The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

    The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

    Article by Trish Curling

    Video Extracted From: Twists & Folds Immersion

    lotus pose online yoga classes


    • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
    • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
    • Appropriate for both teachers and students
    • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
    • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
    • Release aches and pains
    • Learn how to avoid common injuries
    • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
    • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
    • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
    • Lifetime access

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    Nurture The Neck

    Nurture The Neck

    Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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    Flying Pigeon Variations

    Flying Pigeon Variations

    Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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    Crow Pose Drills

    Crow Pose Drills

    Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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    Inversion Journey

    Inversion Journey

    Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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    Inversion Success

    Inversion Success

    Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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    Reduce Hip Injuries

    Reduce Hip Injuries



    The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still being vulnerable to injury.  Now, there’s no way to prevent injury, it’s inevitable. We’re susceptible to injury if we’re extremely active, but this is also true if we tend to be more sedentary.  This is why mobility is important.  Robust hip mobility and range of motion help to maintain the health of the muscles that surround the pelvis and the hip joint.  This means it’s imperative that we engage in drills and exercises that promote hip mobility.   If we’re fortunate enough to engage in these movements, we can strengthen these areas, which may help to reduce hip injuries.

    chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



    • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
    • Full length 75 minute classes
    • Each Yoga class explore’s how to maintain optimal health in areas of the body that are prone to injury and chronic pain.
    • Highly informative and educational classes for both practitioners and teachers.
    • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and cool down
    • How to use props to modify or enhance benefits of each asana.
    • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
    • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
    • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
    • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
    • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
    • Disclaimer #1: This is not designed as “Yoga Therapy” and will not diagnose or treat any specific ailments or injuries.
    • Disclaimer #2: The purpose of this immersion is for education, exploration and understanding your options: there are no hard and fast solutions to injury’s that can be solved solely by practicing yoga
    • Disclaimer #3: If you have an acute injury, be sure you have a doctors approval prior to practicing this immersion


    Hip mobility is typically described as how well we can move the hip joints in multiple directions.  When we practice with Matt, we get a more comprehensive definition. He describes it as more than just flexibility.  It’s the harmonious balance between strength and movement control. It involves the muscles surrounding the pelvis and hip joints working together to support functional movement. Mobility is the ability not only to create movement but also to stabilize and prevent unnecessary motion. In yoga, this comes to life in static postures where we can practice contracting and engaging specific muscles, while also developing the ability to release those contractions when needed. By focusing on both strength and flexibility, we cultivate a more functional range of motion in the hips, enhancing stability and fluidity in our practice and daily life.  When we understand this, we can see how we can help to reduce hip injuries.




    Although there are numerous muscles to consider when it comes to reducing hip injuries, today’s clip focuses on what we can do to strengthen the adductors.  

    Standing Inner Thigh Drill

    This first drill helps us to recognize the activation sensation of the adductors, while also easing us into building strength.  The block is placed between the shins.  While internally rotating the thighs, we squeeze the block between the legs.  We then alternate between lifting one leg at a time.

    Two Blocks At The Wall

    In this drill, we place two blocks between the shin or thigh and a wall, far enough that we’re not leaning on the wall but close enough for our thigh to touch the block. Next, we squeeze the leg across the midline to press the block into the wall, activating the adductors, including the pectineus, which also functions as a hip flexor. In the video, Matt also demonstrates how we can increase the intensity of this drill.  

    Bend & Extend

    Similar to the last drill we set up in the same position, this time with one block.  Different from the last drill, movement occurs by bending and straightening at the knee.

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    This drill is called “Inside Plank” because of the focus on the inner thighs.  It’s a powerful way to activate the adductors while building hip stability, which is essential when it comes to the desire to reduce hip injuries.   

    In this drill, we start by pressing the sole of your back foot firmly into the ground; this action will naturally lift our hips higher, engaging the adductors to create the movement. We attempt to keep our pelvis close to a 90-degree position to maintain proper alignment and maximize muscle activation while lifting and lowering the bottom leg. For added strength and control, Matt demonstrates that we can hold the position briefly before releasing, focusing on maintaining steady engagement throughout. This drill not only strengthens the inner thighs but also improves overall hip functionality.

      300 hour teacher training online



      Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

      • Get 500 hour certified
      • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
      • Expand your teaching skills
      • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
      • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
      • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


      Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for the adductors to be excluded from the conversation when it comes to strengthening muscles in our yoga practice.  At closer examination, we do however have many opportunities to strengthen this muscle group.  

      In the last drill which might be referred to as “Standing Leg Slides” We set up in a Warrior II like position with one static foot on the mat and the other on the floor outside of the mat (it’s helpful to wear socks).  Using the adductors, we slide one leg in and out while pressing down through the feet and focusing on squeezing the legs towards one another for adductor activation.  In the video, Matt demonstrates the importance of a modest stance, in order to reduce the chance of putting strain on the knee.

      While we can’t completely avoid injury, incorporating strengthening and stability drills into our routine significantly reduces the risk of hip injuries. Good hip mobility, which encompasses balancing range of motion with control, is key to moving freely and confidently. By improving our ability to both create and stop movement, we build resilience in our hips, protecting them during our yoga practice and everyday movement.

      Matt’s next online immersion Therapeutics will provide us with an extensive toolkit to reduce hip injuries. Register here today.

      The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

      The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

      Article by Trish Curling

      Video Extracted From: Hip Mobility Immersion

      lotus pose online yoga classes


      • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
      • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
      • Appropriate for both teachers and students
      • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
      • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
      • Release aches and pains
      • Learn how to avoid common injuries
      • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
      • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
      • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
      • Lifetime access

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      Nurture The Neck

      Nurture The Neck

      Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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      Reduce Hip Injuries

      Reduce Hip Injuries

      Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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      Crow Pose Drills

      Crow Pose Drills

      Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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      Inversion Journey

      Inversion Journey

      Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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      Inversion Success

      Inversion Success

      Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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      Flying Pigeon Variations

      Flying Pigeon Variations

      eka pada galavasana


      When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the “in-between”.  We may not consider the thread that ties the variations together. The truth is, we must consider it all.  The way that Matt teaches Flying Pigeon variations, offers us the perfect formula to understand how to progress from one step to the next, afterall, this is the essence of Chromatic yoga.  We gain a deeper understanding of how to both master the “in-between” and the variations themselves.  The 2 Flying Pigeon variations Matt demonstrates in today’s video are joined together by what he calls “Variation 1.2” ; it’s the bridge that creates a more seamless connection.  Let’s examine the path that outlines the actions towards success in this arm balance.

      chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



      • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
      • Full length 75 minute classes
      • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
      • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
      • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
      • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
      • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
      • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
      • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
      • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
      • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


      Before we even tackle the variations, we must prepare the body.  Flying Pigeon variations will of course require both hip opening and hip strength.  

      The first preparation we see in the video is a hip stretch.  In this preparation, we set up with a similar position to chair pose, except that we create a “figure 4” with one leg, patterning what the posture looks like (having one shin parallel to the front of the mat.   If we want to reap the benefits of the hip stretch, three of the key actions are anterior tilt of the pelvis, sending the hips back, and bending deeply at the knee of the standing leg, which is where the stretch is going to happen.  Matt also demonstrates how we may deepen this stretch.  He does this by taking the hand opposite to the heel of the foot that’s crossed over and gently pushing further.




      In active Pigeon pose, we nurture both flexibility and strength.  The posture calls for the shin of the front leg to be more parallel to the front of the mat once again. This time however, instead of a passive stretch, Matt teaches us to actively press down through the front shin while pulling the back knee towards the front of the mat.  We’ll see later how that latter action lends well to Flying Pigeon 1, due to the positioning of the back leg towards the chest.  What we cultivate is activation of the buttock muscles (from pressing the shin down) and hip flexor activation (pulling the back knee forward and slightly downward).  If we are hypermobile in the hips, it’s imperative that we implement strengthening techniques like these ones in order to create the stability that’s also required for Flying Pigeon variations.

      200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



      • Deepen your yoga practice
      • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
      • Learn foundational class structures and templates
      • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
      • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
      • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

      FLYING PIGEON 1 & 2

      Flying Pigeon 1

      In this variation, Matt places a block under the foot of the leg that provides support and balance until it potentially lifts up and away from the block.  Now, understanding what is good for your own body and practice at a given time means that we can keep that foot down as we learn more forward into the posture.  Why would this be a good option?  It’s possible that we are not ready to balance, either due to fear, or maybe it’s that we need to stay there to continue to develop more strength in the wrists (which can also reduce fear because the body is more ready to handle the weight).  If we lift the leg up and pull the knee into the chest, then we are also utilizing the hip flexor strength we’ve cultivated.

      Flying Pigeon 2

      In this “next step” we lean more forward in order to take the leg higher.  Before we extend it with the intention of straightening it out, we can execute the “Flying Pigeon 1.2” as Matt referred to it in the full class.  This means pulling the heel in towards the buttocks.  It’s almost like a little extra stop before our next destination.

        300 hour teacher training online



        Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

        • Get 500 hour certified
        • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
        • Expand your teaching skills
        • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
        • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
        • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


        Matt emphasizes that it’s not necessarily a clear jump from one variation to the next.  Yes we establish a foundation, but we must also investigate the actions we can work on and develop between each variation.  The roadmap between two variations may call for a few twists and turns before we execute the “final stage”.  As Matt says in the clip, extending the leg straight out requires a tremendous amount of strength in the gripping of the ground and leaning forward.  

        In Chromatic Yoga, we learn to take a bite size approach.  We go through each step with intention, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge that always leads us to our highest potential.

        Register for Matt’s current online immersion Handstand & Arm Balances to dive deeper into this understanding.

        If you are striving to develop these practices for yourself, but also have a calling to teach, the  next round of Matt’s online 200 & 300 Teacher Trainings begin in February.  Secure your spot today!

        The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

        The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

        Article by Trish Curling

        Video Extracted From: Handstand And Arm Balances

        lotus pose online yoga classes


        • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
        • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
        • Appropriate for both teachers and students
        • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
        • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
        • Release aches and pains
        • Learn how to avoid common injuries
        • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
        • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
        • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
        • Lifetime access

        Continue Learning

        Nurture The Neck

        Nurture The Neck

        Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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        Reduce Hip Injuries

        Reduce Hip Injuries

        Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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        Flying Pigeon Variations

        Flying Pigeon Variations

        Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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        Inversion Journey

        Inversion Journey

        Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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        Inversion Success

        Inversion Success

        Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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        When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

        • the Technique Pack: 15 yoga pose breakdowns
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        • exclusive blogs and videos
        • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

        Crow Pose Drills

        Crow Pose Drills



        If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the posture, but we’ll also be able to utilize this new knowledge and patterning to assist in the weight transfer that is imperative for a posture like Handstand.  This of course doesn’t happen overnight.  Establishing discipline and the right training ground will inform our experience.  Implementing Crow pose drills into our practice is an excellent step.  It’s not just about doing random drills we come across online or anywhere else, but it’s always about being intentional.  The Crow pose drills Matt shares come from a lifetime of dedication and research in understanding the human body (anatomy and biomechanics), and arguably more importantly, the human psyche.

        chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



        • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
        • Full length 75 minute classes
        • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
        • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
        • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
        • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
        • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
        • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
        • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
        • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
        • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


        The first Crow pose drill Matt shares, shows us how to explore the shifting of weight, in the posture. We’re not meant to balance here.  It can be scary to think about falling in Crow if we can’t find our balance.  After the demonstration of this drill in the full class, Matt discusses how we can train ourselves psychologically to overcome our fear by actually holding ourselves back from attempting to balance.  This removes the temptation to go overboard and then ultimately end up falling, which is the very thing we fear.

        That first drill is a great precursor to the second drill which is a “Handstand” Crow drill.  Again, if we’re scared to balance, it’s great because we go from the bottom up (our head on the ground and then push away).  This also serves to strengthen the flexors of the wrist, which is essential for Handstand.




        Hollow Body Hops are a great building block that can be implemented as an extension from Matt’s Handstand Prep position #1.  What we improve upon here is our ability to shift our weight more into the hands and away from our feet and hips.  In fact, we pop off of the feet and start to create a longer hold of balanced weight into the hands.

        Here, we place our hands more forward than we would in Handstand Prep #1.  Instead of just lifting the heels we do a slight hop off of the feet to propel ourselves more forward in order to bring the feet closer between the hands once again.

        In the video Matt demonstrates how to go both forward and backwards in these hops.

        200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



        • Deepen your yoga practice
        • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
        • Learn foundational class structures and templates
        • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
        • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
        • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


        An effective way to find balance in Crow pose and to understand where the weight shift needs to occur, is to start from the bottom.  Having explored it in the previous Handstand Crow pose drill is helpful in now attempting to cultivate more control in this approach.

        Matt demonstrates it in two ways.  In the first, we have the support of a cushion underneath the head and the next, we remove the cushion/bolster.  The latter of course comes with more confidence and may take some time.  One of the keys to finding our way up to balance is actively pulling the pubic bone and solar plexus together.  This will help to flex the spine to achieve the desired shape and of course will help to pull ourselves up from the headstand position into Crow.

          300 hour teacher training online



          Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

          • Get 500 hour certified
          • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
          • Expand your teaching skills
          • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
          • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
          • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


          It’s in our nature to resist challenge, but it’s also in our nature to pursue reward and pleasure.  Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that when we achieve arm balances like Crow pose or even Handstand that it is the only reward.  It’s the road in “pursuit” of these postures where we truly achieve reward.  When we cultivate the ability to discern what our own path is, what comes is a strong sense of accomplishment and reward.  We may never “achieve” Crow pose or Handstand, but what we achieve is a healthier sense of self.  We’ve contributed to strength in body and mind.  Within the exploration of these drills we develop strength.  The exploration formulates the path and provides direction. 

          Matt’s current online immersion Handstand and Arm Balances is the perfect step towards the achievement of our highest potential.

          The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

          The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

          Article by Trish Curling

          Video Extracted From: Handstand And Arm Balances

          lotus pose online yoga classes


          • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
          • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
          • Appropriate for both teachers and students
          • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
          • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
          • Release aches and pains
          • Learn how to avoid common injuries
          • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
          • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
          • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
          • Lifetime access

          Continue Learning

          Nurture The Neck

          Nurture The Neck

          Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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          Reduce Hip Injuries

          Reduce Hip Injuries

          Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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          Flying Pigeon Variations

          Flying Pigeon Variations

          Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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          Crow Pose Drills

          Crow Pose Drills

          Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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          Inversion Success

          Inversion Success

          Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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          When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

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          Inversion Journey

          Inversion Journey

          adho mukha vrksasana


          In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand is that our inversion journey continues.  Building upon the foundation and continuing to practice and refine never ends.  We are either working to maintain and/or build the musculature, strength, balance, and flexibility to fulfill what’s required of a straight handstand.  If we’re ready to put in the work and build upon what we’ve already established as a good base, then the drills and skills Matt demonstrates today will only take our inversion journey further and amplify our experience and ability.

          chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



          • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
          • Full length 75 minute classes
          • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
          • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
          • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
          • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
          • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
          • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
          • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
          • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
          • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


          Downward Dog Push Ups check off so many things on the list of what’s required for handstand development.  In our inversion journey, it’s going to help to build upper body strength, more specifically in the shoulders, triceps, and forearms.

          Matt demonstrates 2 variations in today’s video.  In the first, we are in a more “traditional” Downward Dog position (both feet on the ground) and in the second, we are in a Three Legged Dog position which increases the weight of the movement.

          The unique thing about both variations is that it’s what we do through the wrists and the hands that intensifies this drill. When returning to a lengthened position from bent elbows, we lift the heel of the hands, then the head of the metacarpals, finally coming up to the fingertips.  At the top of the movement elbows are straight and shoulders are up towards the ears.




          Hollow Body Hops are a great building block that can be implemented as an extension from Matt’s Handstand Prep position #1.  What we improve upon here is our ability to shift our weight more into the hands and away from our feet and hips.  In fact, we pop off of the feet and start to create a longer hold of balanced weight into the hands.

          Here, we place our hands more forward than we would in Handstand Prep #1.  Instead of just lifting the heels we do a slight hop off of the feet to propel ourselves more forward in order to bring the feet closer between the hands once again.

          In the video Matt demonstrates how to go both forward and backwards in these hops.

          200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



          • Deepen your yoga practice
          • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
          • Learn foundational class structures and templates
          • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
          • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
          • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


          Tuck Switch

          Here we build upon Handstand Prep position #3.  Again, it’s more dynamic.  We are tucking one knee into the chest.  We continue to practice the shift of the weight into the hands while alternating the tuck into the chest of each leg.  Within this drill too, we can take a step back from the more active tuck switch by creating a smaller, slower switch of the feet.  Alternatively, just like the Hollow Body Hops, we can practice a longer hold.

          Kick Switch

          In Handstand Prep position #2, Matt teaches us how to set up an “L” shape in Handstand.  Just like the tuck switches, we are jumping off of one leg and landing with the other.  Instead of the tuck, both legs are extended in a lengthened position.

            300 hour teacher training online



            Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

            • Get 500 hour certified
            • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
            • Expand your teaching skills
            • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
            • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
            • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


            Mastering going forward is not only a neurological pattern we must etch into our bodies to create the physical shift of moving the weight out of our feet and into our hands in order to get upside down, but it’s also a mindset that can test us.

            One of the best ways to refine our ability to master going forward into the hands is to utilize blocks.  In the video, Matt demonstrates the kick switches with blocks at his forearms.  Immediately we see how this positively impacts the alignment of the forearms, but also the domino effect of how it helps us to more effortlessly lift off of the feet.

            As we move along in our inversion journey we must also master the mindset to go forward due to the frustration we can experience when we “hit a wall” (pun intended).  There is always an access point and a skill we can build to move onto the next step.

            If you want to access the plethora of knowledge, drills, and techniques Matt shares in his classes, it’s not too late to register for his current 10 class online immersion: Handstand and Arm Balances.

            The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

            The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

            Article by Trish Curling

            Video Extracted From: 10 Day Handstand Program

            lotus pose online yoga classes


            • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
            • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
            • Appropriate for both teachers and students
            • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
            • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
            • Release aches and pains
            • Learn how to avoid common injuries
            • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
            • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
            • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
            • Lifetime access

            Continue Learning

            Nurture The Neck

            Nurture The Neck

            Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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            Reduce Hip Injuries

            Reduce Hip Injuries

            Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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            Flying Pigeon Variations

            Flying Pigeon Variations

            Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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            Crow Pose Drills

            Crow Pose Drills

            Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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            Inversion Journey

            Inversion Journey

            Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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            Inversion Success

            Inversion Success

            Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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            When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

            • the Technique Pack: 15 yoga pose breakdowns
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            • exclusive blogs and videos
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            Inversion Success

            Inversion Success



            We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a class.  We’re all engaging in the practice for our own reasons and in our own ways at any given stage of our lives.

            If we are at a point where we are exploring inversions in our asana practice, there are many different ways we can perceive to have achieved inversion success.  What we actually acquire is knowledge, confidence, self awareness, and a solid physical foundation for the postures themselves, not to mention a stronger physical capacity for other activities off of the mat.  

            An important aspect of inversion success is knowing exactly how to prepare.  In today’s video, Matt guides us through techniques and drills for a successful foundation in handstand. 

            chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



            • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
            • Full length 75 minute classes
            • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
            • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
            • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
            • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
            • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
            • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
            • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
            • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
            • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


            If we have a goal in mind, it’s no secret that we’ll never get there if we don’t take the first step.  For handstands, Matt teaches us how to get the proper vertical alignment of our forearms by using blocks as a guide. In his demonstration, he teaches us that we must get the weight out of our feet.  Shifting forward towards the hands will straighten the line of the forearms.

            Now, it doesn’t stop there.  There are some specific actions we need to take if we are truly setting up inversion success.  After shifting our weight forward, we must grip our fingers into the ground, while the blocks stay in place as a guide.  Next, we lift our shoulders up towards the ears.  Finally, looking at the thighs or belly button while here, trains the body to access a more flexed position in the spine.  This is known as Handstand Preparation I.

            WATCH THE VIDEO



            The next step in preparation for inversion success is a “Supported Warrior III drill”.  This particular drill adds the element of momentum.  Here, we get an opportunity to build on the previous foundation.  Since we are actively shifting our weight back & forth in this drill, we nurture the response in the body to be more automated in our implementation of the necessary actions. The pattern of gripping the fingers into the ground, aligning the forearms, straightening the elbows, and lifting the shoulders up to the ears each time we shift our weight forward  becomes more deeply ingrained.

            This drill not only sharpens coordination but also fosters a sense of trust in our ability to catch and hold our weight as we prepare for inversion. Once this foundation feels solid, we can go even further.  

            200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



            • Deepen your yoga practice
            • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
            • Learn foundational class structures and templates
            • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
            • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
            • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

            TUCK IN

            Next, Matt takes us through a seated drill designed to deepen our ability to create spinal flexion—an essential component in building the strength and awareness needed for handstand preparation and inversion success overall.

            Matt explains that it’s the flexed position in this drill that teaches us how to do a straight handstand.  In the drill, we start off by tucking the knees in, flexing the spine for counter balance and sending one leg straight out at a time.  He then builds upon that by changing the direction of where we send the legs.  In the next stage, we kick one foot up to the sky at a time.

            This progression not only strengthens the core and reinforces spinal awareness but also mimics the mechanics required to enter a controlled handstand. Once we’ve honed these movements, we’re ready to combine elements from Handstand Preparation 1 with the tucked positions from the drill. 

              300 hour teacher training online



              Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

              • Get 500 hour certified
              • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
              • Expand your teaching skills
              • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
              • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
              • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang

              GET LIGHT

              In the final demonstration for handstand preparation, we combine the elements and actions of each drill.  Here, we begin to tease the idea of almost lifting the legs up.  It’s not that the legs actually do lift off, but the idea is to get the leg that’s closest to the ground gets extremely light.

              Once we’ve gone through the techniques and actions that are available to us in this process, we come to understand what our definition of inversion success truly is.  

              To build upon these skills and become more masterful in your approach, register for Matt’s next online immersion Handstand & Arm Balances.

              The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

              The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

              Article by Trish Curling

              Video Extracted From: Revelation Immersion

              lotus pose online yoga classes


              • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
              • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
              • Appropriate for both teachers and students
              • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
              • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
              • Release aches and pains
              • Learn how to avoid common injuries
              • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
              • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
              • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
              • Lifetime access

              Continue Learning

              Nurture The Neck

              Nurture The Neck

              Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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              Reduce Hip Injuries

              Reduce Hip Injuries

              Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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              Flying Pigeon Variations

              Flying Pigeon Variations

              Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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              Crow Pose Drills

              Crow Pose Drills

              Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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              Inversion Journey

              Inversion Journey

              Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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              Inversion Success

              Inversion Success

              Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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              When You Subscribe, You Will Get Instant Access to

              • the Technique Pack: 15 yoga pose breakdowns
              • exclusive online course discounts
              • exclusive blogs and videos
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              Shoulder Secrets

              Shoulder Secrets


              SHOULDER SECRETS

              When approaching arm balances, it’s not unusual to go straight to a focus on the wrists.  Having to bear our weight into the wrists while balancing our body weight can be an intimidating thought (especially if we don’t have the right tools or “secrets”) that assist in the reduction of strain and pressure.  Arm balance postures are much more layered than simply requiring strength in the wrists.  We can allow the shoulders to take on some of the responsibilities.  In today’s video, Matt demonstrates the key actions (“shoulder secrets”) that will help us to feel more in control and at ease in our arm balance postures.

              chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



              • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
              • Full length 75 minute classes
              • Each Yoga class includes handstand drills and 1 arm balance breakdown
              • Each class includes warm ups, sun salutations, standing postures and preparatory postures for the selected arm balance of the day
              • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
              • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
              • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
              • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
              • Step-by-Step instruction for increased accessibility
              • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
              • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels


              Understanding the connection between our foundation and “power points” are the key to mastering poses. Matt goes into detail about in his online Pose Factory course.  

              Our foundation is what’s in contact with the ground—feet in standing poses or hands in arm balances. The power point is the part of the torso closest to this foundation, acting as the source of strength. For arm balances, the power point is the shoulders, channeling energy from the ground through the arms. When practicing with Matt, we know that grip strength in our hands and wrists is important, but the real stability comes from an engaged shoulder girdle. Without this connection, the poses in today’s video may feel unstable or collapse. 

              The shoulders serve as a bridge, channeling energy from our core to our foundation. By focusing on this connection, we transform our poses from shaky to steadfast, embodying both strength and grace.

              WATCH THE VIDEO



              Supporting our wrists in arm balances begins with activating our shoulders. Matt teaches us that the key is to focus on the protraction of the scapula, the “shoulder secret”in today’s arm balances.  It’s the primary action that significantly reduces strain on the wrists. Protraction along with flexion of the spine, creates a powerful connection from the shoulder girdle to our hands. This not only makes the wrists feel lighter but also builds strength and stability in arm balances. While some arm balances demand more wrist strength, we learn to rely more on the shoulders in the arm balances from today’s video. Engaging the shoulders effectively transforms the balance of effort, making them feel more accessible and sustainable. With mindful activation, our wrists no longer bear the brunt of the work, and the power of our shoulder girdle supports us in finding ease and strength in these postures.

              200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



              • Deepen your yoga practice
              • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
              • Learn foundational class structures and templates
              • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
              • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
              • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


              While Matt demonstrates access to Shoulder Pressing Pose (Bhujapidasana) in the video, we learn exactly how and when to employ the action in the “power point” (protraction of the scapula).  For greater access, he utilizes blocks.  Here are the steps:

              1.  Slide 2 yoga blocks between wide feet
              2. Bend the knees and flex the spine
              3. Slide the blocks wide (behind the heels)
              4. Sit onto bent elbows
              5. Lift the heels up and point the feet
              6. Push the shoulder blades apart
              7. Flex the spine
              8. Squeeze the legs in

              It’s right after step 5, that if we don’t create protraction of the shoulder blades, we will get heavy in the wrists.

              Armed with our shoulder secrets and the foundation from Shoulder Pressing Pose, Matt then demonstrates how we can gain more access to Firefly Pose.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang

                EFFORT WITH EASE

                Arm balances embody the dance between effort and ease, where strength meets freedom.  True stability comes from engaging the shoulders and harnessing their power, allowing the wrists and hands to feel light and supported.  This balance of activation and release creates a pose that feels both grounded and expansive.  Effort lies in the mindful protraction of the scapula and the alignment of the body, while ease comes from trusting the connection between our foundation and our power point.  When shoulders and wrists work in harmony, the pose transforms from a struggle into a flow, giving us the freedom to explore the strength within our bodies.   As we explore these principles in arm balances, the struggle fades, leaving behind a practice that embodies strength, confidence, and lightness. 

                With Matt’s guidance, we can embrace this balance and experience the joy of mastering effort with ease.

                Register for Matt’s January 2025 online immersion Handstand & Arm Balances for a deeper dive and greater access into balance postures.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Revelation Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

                Continue Learning

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Twist Power

                Twist Power

                parsva bakasana

                TWIST POWER

                It’s interesting what unfolds along our journey with our yoga practice.  As we grow, learn, and begin to understand more about ourselves things change, we change.  Not only do we learn so many things along the way, but in the yoga practice, we also learn to “unlearn” a great deal.

                Our approach to twist postures is not separate from this idea.  Engaging with twists often looks like a rotation in the spine, potentially without a great deal of thought.  We move into the shape based on our individual mobility, not necessarily understanding that we can be much more of an active participant in order to increase our “twist power”.

                With more education, we begin to unlearn the twist patterns and processes we typically engage in and begin to add in the element of strength in order to increase our spinal mobility and unleash our twist power.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



                • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
                • Full-spectrum immersion covering all posture categories
                • Includes twists, folds, hip openers, shoulders, arm balances, and more
                • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
                • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
                • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
                • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
                • Step-by-step instruction for increased accessibility
                • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
                • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels

                GET READY

                Chromatic yoga provides the tools for growth and expansion, due to the step by step approach and the education it provides.

                In the first posture Matt teaches from today’s clip, we learn the foundations of how to execute a twist where we’re actually intentional about creating a co-activation of the external obliques, internal obliques and the rotators to create the rotation.  Instead of just twisting and hoping for the best,  we train our bodies to strengthen and then utilize our muscles to control the twist. 
                “Twist Power” comes from deliberate action, as opposed to just going through the motions.

                Here are the main steps for the twist in the High Lunge variation Matt demonstrates in the video:

                1.  Flex (round the spine)
                2. Rotate the thoracic without turning through the neck
                3. Keep the pelvis open while turning through the sternum
                4. Extend the spine, while opening up the arms

                WATCH THE VIDEO



                Practicing these twist techniques in the previous posture are the perfect “prerequisite” for Revolved Chair pose.  Matt demonstrates how to apply the same “twist power” in the following steps:

                Revolved Chair Pose (left side)

                1.  Bend the knees deeply
                2. Round and flex the spine while taking the right tricep to the left thigh
                3. With the flexed spine, begin to turn the sternum
                4. Sit low to maintain spinal flexion
                5. Lift the heart, to layer on some spinal extension

                When we layer on these actions, it means that we’re employing the abdominals and back muscles for a deeper, more prominent twist.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



                • Deepen your yoga practice
                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
                • Get certified and highly qualified to teach yoga
                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

                POWER UP YOUR SIDE CROW

                After we implement the knowledge of activation of the abdominals and back muscles to steep the patterns into our bodies, we can translate these techniques into potentially more challenging postures.  

                Here are the key actions for the first attempts at refining Side Crow:

                1.  Place a yoga block between the upper thighs
                2. Squeeze the thighs together towards the block
                3. Flex the spine
                4. Place the hands on the ground out in front
                5. Walk the feet out to the side
                6. Bend the elbows and pull the knees tight into the armpit
                7. Lean the body weight forward towards the fingertips

                Here, the feet can stay on the ground in order to get used to the mechanics and demand of Side Crow.  To investigate further, Matt demonstrates that we can place a block under the feet and even place our head on a cushion/bolster in front of us while bringing the feet up.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang

                GO FOR IT

                At this point, we know the build up.  We’ve taken the step by step within the twist, but also with exploration in various postures (including some Side Crow variations).  So what’s next? Now we can really go for it.

                We still employ the same techniques and set up with the blocks, but now we can attempt lift of the feet while keeping the head up.  What we’ve done is equip ourselves with more confidence from education and practice.

                In the full class Matt talks about how the Kleshas (twists of the mind) affect our mindset.  Side Crow can be a challenging posture, and it can be easy to tell ourselves that it is impossible to achieve.  What’s better, is our focus on the enjoyment of the process, rather than focus on the result, but more than that, we should really go for it, rather than entertaining the limited belief that it could never be possible.

                Explore the possibilities in Matt’s current online immersion Revelation today.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Revelation Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

                Continue Learning

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

                Lizard Like You’ve Never Seen It

                utthan pristhasana


                Familiarity in a yoga posture can feel really good.  There’s a comfort in knowing exactly what to do when we get on a mat.  The thing is, we can get caught up in thinking that the more we do a posture, the more progress we’ll make.  We can become quite complacent with what we’re used to doing.  This approach can feel like it’s serving us until we’re confronted with something new.  

                In today’s video, Matt demonstrates 4 variations of Lizard pose like we’ve never seen.  More than the positioning though, we learn the techniques that actually promote transformation.  This transformation comes in the form of increased stability, strength and/or flexibility.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



                • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
                • Full-spectrum immersion covering all posture categories
                • Includes twists, folds, hip openers, shoulders, arm balances, and more
                • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
                • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
                • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
                • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
                • Step-by-step instruction for increased accessibility
                • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
                • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels

                LET’S CALL IT “HUMBLE LIZARD”

                The first Lizard variation is quite unique.  The positioning is actually set up like Humble Warrior.  If you’ve practiced with Matt multiple times, then you might know what I’m about to say next.  Yes, that’s right; we pull the feet towards one another in order to engage the adductors.  Just like in a more “traditional” Lizard pose, the thigh bone of the front leg is externally rotated in the hip socket.  The next muscle engagement happens in the buttocks by driving the front heel down into the mat.  This action is also activating the external rotators to roll the front thigh bone out against the pelvis, which is bowing forward.  The combination of pulling the feet together and pressing the front heel down will work to increase external range of motion over time.

                WATCH THE VIDEO


                LIZARD SPECIFICS

                In this more “common” Lizard variation, we get an opportunity to implement some additional specifics.  These “specifics” are the catalyst for the larger shifts that happen in our practice.

                A key element we might miss is taking the hips up and back.  Again, this sets up a better positioning for muscle activation.  A tendency here is to drop the hips in the pursuit of flexibility, but if we are seeking increased flexibility, we must train our muscles to activate at any length.  This safety and integrity will eventually develop the flexibility we’re looking for.

                Again we externally rotate the front thigh and send the torso in the opposite direction in order to have more space to get the forearms closer to the mat.  

                Next, turning the toes of the front foot out, while pressing the heel down and dropping the pelvis are all specifics that ignite this Lizard variation.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



                • Deepen your yoga practice
                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
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                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

                “LEANING LIZARD”

                “Leaning Lizard” can be tricky, so taking the alternative Matt offers in the video will be helpful.  Initially he demonstrates that we’re trying to get as deep as getting the armpit down towards the lower shin with the knee out to the side (external rotation once again).  The alternative is coming up away from the forearms and onto the fingertips.  This will reduce the amount of external rotation required, while still allowing us to work into the posture.  

                Ultimately if we’re attempting what Matt demonstrates first, it requires an extreme amount of external rotation, and as he mentions, will be a great preparation for postures like Agnistambhasana and Lotus pose.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang

                BUILD IT UP

                In the last variation we “build it up” literally and figuratively.  We are building upon our execution of technique, strength, and flexibility.  This is done by coming into another variation of Lizard pose with a block underneath the front foot.  It’s possible that we may be more familiar with utilizing a block under the hands or forearms (which is always welcome), but added to the use of the block in this variation is attention to the placement of the back foot.  Again, we are bowing to the inside of the front foot, implementing the external rotation in that upper thigh bone.  The rotation will provide a more powerful stretch to the deep glutes.

                The accumulation of knowledge and implementation of these actions are the building blocks of our practice.  The techniques, combined with the “right” positioning for our bodies at the right time, with consistency, direct us on a path to true transformation.

                Have you tried the “Hips practice” in Matt’s new online immersion Revelation yet?  Don’t miss out on an opportunity to further your education into the hip, but to also personalize your practice with the rich options and techniques Matt provides for your overall practice.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Hips & Hamstrings Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

                Continue Learning

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Internal Rotation: Strengthen From The Inside Out

                Internal Rotation: Strengthen from the Inside Out

                Shoulder Mobility


                It’s not unusual for us to find ourselves spending too much time in a slouched position. It could be due to a job, our poor habits on our electronic devices, or difficult emotional periods. Being in this slouched position means that our shoulders are favouring internal rotation. It doesn’t mean that we should never be in this state; the anatomy of the shoulder absolutely allows for it. It’s when we are unconsciously, inactively allowing this posture to be our default that we can run into issues. This is why focused, intentional work is critical for overall shoulder health.

                If shoulder internal rotation is the focus of a given practice, our approach must include more than just the internal rotators. The drills and techniques Matt provides in today’s video teach us not to leave anything behind when it comes to strength and overall mobility.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion



                • 10 Chromatic Yoga practices with founder Matt Giordano
                • Full-spectrum immersion covering all posture categories
                • Includes twists, folds, hip openers, shoulders, arm balances, and more
                • Improve your body awareness and advance your practice
                • Technique, biomechanics, and alignment at the forefront
                • 12 Continuing Education hours with Yoga Alliance
                • 12 Accredited Hours with the Chromatic School of Yoga
                • Step-by-step instruction for increased accessibility
                • Improve strength, balance, flexibility, and proprioception
                • Appropriate variations and modifications for all levels

                MOVE WITH PRECISION

                Prone Drill

                In the first drill we get a sense of how to find greater range almost immediately.  Matt cues a lift in the armpit allows the humerus to move more freely in the joint.  It helps to decrease the collision of the humerus with the acromion.  Here, we work on control and stability which are also essential components of mobility. 

                Standing Drill

                This is similar to the previous drill except that of course, we are standing.  What we’re also doing is working through internal rotation along with external rotation but with both arms at the same time.

                Practicing these drills help to build healthy patterning of movement along with deep strengthening and stability within the joint.

                WATCH THE VIDEO


                SOCK DRILLS

                What’s great about these shoulder internal rotation drills is that they can be easily integrated into our regular yoga practice and/or mobility work.

                The sock drills Matt demonstrates in the video will test our endurance.  As far as the anatomy is concerned, the two major muscles in the rotator cuff that create internal rotation (subscapularis and teres major) will be at work, along with the front deltoid muscles, the pectoralis major, and latissimus dorsi. 

                We really focus on latissimus dorsi in the second drill which is essentially a prone “lat pull down”.  To increase the intensity of this drill, Matt instructs us to press down with our hands firmly.  Latissimus Dorsi activation really sets in when we lift the armpits.  The action of lifting the armpits, we come to realize, is an important one if we want to be successful in strengthening internal rotation of the shoulders.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



                • Deepen your yoga practice
                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
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                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program


                After preparing for optimal internal rotation of the shoulder through both strengthening and awareness of how to move, Side Angle pose with bind options really showcases the work we’ve done.  

                One of the key things is simply opportunity.  If we set ourselves up “correctly”, then we provide ourselves with the opportunity to execute the necessary actions for success in the binding portion of this posture.  The first thing is getting the shoulder under the front leg (which Matt demonstrates in a “humble warrior-like position”) in order to create enough space for the shoulder to move freely into internal rotation.  This allows the arm to wrap around and for the hands to clasp/bind.  What we also receive from Matt in the video, are 3 possible ways to engage with a bind.  Engaging in these can be either practice or preparation.  It all depends on where we are in the journey.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


                One of the things that’s great about Chromatic yoga is that you’re provided with the right tools for the “deep work”.  We may understand that we need to work on a particular aspect of our practice, like “I know I need to work on internal rotation of the shoulder joint”, but we may not know exactly what to do.  There are less questions about where to start with the Chromatic yoga approach.  It doesn’t mean that we have all the answers right away, but we always have a starting point for exploration and it’s always about inserting ourselves in the right spot.  From there, it means there is room for potential and growth.  

                Matt’s next online immersion Revelation is going to give you access to a plethora of techniques along the full spectrum of your asana practice. Register today in order to deepen your practice and realize your fullest potential.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Shoulder Mobility Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

                Continue Learning

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Janu Sirsasana To Half Lotus

                Janu Sirsasana to Half Lotus



                There’s never one single route to a posture we’re exploring. There are individual specifics we always need to consider.  

                When it comes to hip opening postures like Janu Sirsasana and Half Lotus, we may believe that they are very close in terms of the amount of hip range of motion that is required. This may be true for some people but not for others and comes back to what we’re individually experiencing in our bodies. We may experience tightness or pain in either posture. While there can be a direct connection between hip range of motion and knee pain, there are actions and steps we can take to make access to these postures more available. In today’s video, Matt demonstrates techniques we can implement that reduce hip tightness while increasing hip range of motion.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion

                ITALY RETREAT


                • Spa & Yoga Retreat
                • Close to the coast line and beaches
                • 2 spa days included (sauna, hot tub, Turkish bath)
                • Morning and early-evening yoga with Matt
                • Daytime free for adventures or to enjoy Ayurvedic massage and treatments
                • Connect with incredible yogis from around the world!
                • ALL LEVELS and all ages 18-85 appropriate
                • Skillfully guided experience: yoga, meditation, breathwork
                • Biomechanics and inspirational philosophy
                • Welcoming and communal group of yogis!

                FIX FOR KNEE PAIN

                Both postures require external rotation of the hip. Yes, Half Lotus will require more, but we can still pay attention to the sensations we feel when setting up in Janu Sirsasana. The first thing we can do in the attempt to alleviate hip pain is to use support from props. The other “fix,” of course, would be to explore other postures that contribute to and develop increased hip range of motion.

                In the Janu Sirsasana variations Matt demonstrates in the video, we see that he uses both towels and blocks to prop up either his entire body or the bent knee for support.

                As far as other postures go, it’s often about activation of the muscles we’re trying to lengthen.

                If we’re exploring Janu Sirsasana, then working intelligently on the variation that helps us practice without pain will be vital in our development towards Lotus Pose.

                WATCH THE VIDEO



                Matt jumps straight into Janu Sirsasana variations at the beginning of the clip.

                He starts us off in a variation with a twist and a bind, which is a deep stretch for the hips. What we need to pay attention to here is both the amount of external rotation and potentially the activation of the muscles that surround the hip joint.  

                We can give ourselves our own adjustment by using the hand to externally rotate the thigh and/or by pressing the knee down towards the floor for muscle activation.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



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                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
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                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

                STANDING HALF LOTUS

                Whether we’re standing or sitting, the same principles apply. It’s never a good idea to force ourselves into a posture! Here are the steps:

                1. Bring the ankle up so that the shin of the lifted leg is parallel to the ground
                2. Use a self-adjustment to externally rotate the hip
                3. Bring the lifted leg out to the side (to help with hip tightness)
                4. Once the heel has been moved towards the belly  button, the knee can be lowered down towards the ground

                Before lowering completely into an Uttanasana position, Matt offers more variations, in which we get the opportunity to bind the hands.  

                This standing position might be the direct route to Half Lotus we’re looking for, due to our increased ability to rest the ankle of the bent leg across the standing leg. This can only be achieved when the tightness subsides and more range of motion is realized.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang

                SUPPORT AND EXECUTE

                Taking deliberate action and being very intentional about how we move and combine these two postures will indicate how much hip range of motion we develop.

                In the final portion of today’s clip, Matt demonstrates the “baby cradle” movement with the bent leg. This helps us safely guide the bent leg out further, which is one of the vital actions to reduce tightness in the hip.  

                Whether we opt for the bind variations or not, we are still mindful about how we set the hips in the Half Lotus variation. Using props to support the knee can serve as a reminder to encourage more external rotation. When we do this, we are actively supporting ourselves and providing ourselves with the ability to execute these deep hip-opening postures with more intelligence and ease.

                Don’t miss your opportunity to register for Matt’s upcoming retreat in Italy. The Early Bird Options are closing soon!

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Hips & Hamstrings Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

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                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Turtle Pose To Titibhasana

                Turtle Pose to Titibhasana



                Turtle Pose is not tiny by any means! There is a great deal that goes into its preparation. It’s also an excellent preparatory posture for Titibhasana. The journey between these two poses is marked by a series of intentional movements and precise adjustments that build the necessary strength, flexibility, and awareness. Each “tiny” action, such as a subtle shift in weight or the activation of muscles, guides us to the next step. These incremental triumphs remind us that progress is found in the details, teaching us to trust the power of small but deliberate actions as we evolve from Turtle Pose to the graceful strength of Titibhasana.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion

                ITALY RETREAT


                • Spa & Yoga Retreat
                • Close to the coast line and beaches
                • 2 spa days included (sauna, hot tub, Turkish bath)
                • Morning and early-evening yoga with Matt
                • Daytime free for adventures or to enjoy Ayurvedic massage and treatments
                • Connect with incredible yogis from around the world!
                • ALL LEVELS and all ages 18-85 appropriate
                • Skillfully guided experience: yoga, meditation, breathwork
                • Biomechanics and inspirational philosophy
                • Welcoming and communal group of yogis!


                It’s really a “no-brainer” that Turtle Pose would be a logical choice to be part of the preparation for Titibhasana. There’s a definite overlap in terms of the shape that is created. In the clip, Matt takes us through the steps that help us get the legs high up on the arms. He does this by highlighting the internal rotation of the legs. This may be challenging because Turtle Pose is a deep posture. Placing blocks underneath the forearms and keeping the knees bent can help us train both the strength of the inner thighs and the ability to access deeper spinal flexion. Implementing small actions can support the ability to transition from one stage to the next. Being intentional is vital. Next, practicing Turtle Pose in another plane will continue to aid us in transitioning from Turtle Pose to Titibhasana.

                WATCH THE VIDEO


                STANDING TURTLE POSE

                When we explore postures in a different plane, sometimes something seems to click in our minds. We might discover a microadjustment that transfers well to the actual shape we’re working towards. Standing Turtle Pose requires deep hip flexion and requires us to sit into more of a squat-like position during the setup to get the shoulders more deeply under the legs. This is not possible in the traditional position on the ground, since we can’t go any deeper than the level of the floor. What occurs in the standing variation is the patterning of strength and flexibility in areas of the body like the erector spinae and hamstring muscles. This valuable exploration helps establish the required hip and spinal flexion required for both Turtle Pose and Titibhasana.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



                • Deepen your yoga practice
                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
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                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

                “TINY” TITIBHASANA

                Here, we’re back on the floor with the inability to bend deeply, so the trick is to scoot the buttocks back before attempting hip and spinal flexion.  

                Step by step, Matt takes us through tiny transitions that bring us closer to a deep Turtle Pose, which is essentially a “tiny” Titibhasana.

                In the video, he starts us off in a narrow straddle position with the elbows placed on the ground inside the knees with a round back to lengthen the back body. Next, we transition to bent knees with the torso more upright as we pull the rib cage back in an attempt to get the shoulders more inside the knees. As we come into this position, the squeeze of the knees is very important. Finally, pulling the elbows back mimics what it’s like to be in Titibhasana.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


                Transitioning step by step from Turtle Pose to Titibhasana builds the foundation for the next variation, helping us stay mindful of our body’s alignment, boundaries, and potential all at the same time. Taking the approach of gradual progression minimizes the risk of injury, enhancing control and confidence as we navigate each phase with intentionality. Ultimately, taking it one step at a time empowers us with new self-discovery and growth.

                There is still time to grab the last few spots at Matt’s 2025 Italy Retreat. Take the steps towards maximizing your potential. Secure your spot here.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: FLow & Fly Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

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                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Full Wheel

                Full Wheel

                Urdhva Dhanurasana

                FULL WHEEL

                Teaching an intentional class becomes inevitable when you follow the Chromatic system Matt has created. In Chromatic, we’re following a system that sets up the body for maximum execution within our fullest potential. When it comes to more challenging postures like Full Wheel, it’s imperative to prepare the body for ultimate safety. Full Wheel puts us in a vulnerable shape due to the extreme spinal extension that’s required.  

                If we’re teaching a yoga class on Wheel, setting up our students for success means that we need to be clear on the step-by-step process of teaching such a layered posture. There are specifics for the shoulders, upper body, and hips that must be highlighted. In the video, Matt offers the cues and formula for a road map to guide our students. It offers the opportunity to direct our students, rather than just mentioning a fleeting option in our class.

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion

                ITALY RETREAT


                • Spa & Yoga Retreat
                • Close to the coast line and beaches
                • 2 spa days included (sauna, hot tub, Turkish bath)
                • Morning and early-evening yoga with Matt
                • Daytime free for adventures or to enjoy Ayurvedic massage and treatments
                • Connect with incredible yogis from around the world!
                • ALL LEVELS and all ages 18-85 appropriate
                • Skillfully guided experience: yoga, meditation, breathwork
                • Biomechanics and inspirational philosophy
                • Welcoming and communal group of yogis!

                SET UP THE SHOULDERS

                Drills like we see in the first part of today’s clip help warm up the shoulders, but they also create increased and lasting shoulder mobility when practiced consistently.

                Another important detail is positioning. There is some controversy when teaching Full Wheel about whether to instruct to place the hands wide or closer together. Some say it depends on the student, which is true, but we might also consider the viewpoint Matt offers.

                He teaches that having the hands wide in Full Wheel gives more access to the shoulder muscles and to external rotation in the arm bones. This will help practitioners get into the back body more, that is, more into the rhomboid muscles, by squeezing the shoulder blades towards one another, which will trigger erector spinae muscles in the upper back. This upper-back activation increases the backbend, making it more accessible.

                WATCH THE VIDEO


                UPPER BACK VS. LOWER BACK

                Of course the low back and pelvis are a part of the equation, but bringing more focus onto the upper back will create accessibility and improved range of motion.  

                When we watch the video, we see the importance of trajectory. The timing of straightening the arms when coming up into Full Wheel directly influences our push into the upper back versus the lower back. If we lengthen the arms too early, or teach our students to do so, we run the risk of pushing towards the feet and therefore into the lower back. This may cause compression in that area. If we set our students up against a wall, as is shown in the video, we can cue “chest to the wall, then push through the arms.” This will bring the trajectory more upward and encourage the upper back to mobilize.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



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                There are 2 terms Matt consistently uses in Chromatic Yoga: Fundamental Action, or focusing on the muscles that are creating the action we need; and Balancing Action, or focusing on engaging the muscles of the opposing action of what our intention is.

                When teaching Full Wheel, we cue extension of the hips, which will naturally create external rotation. We do want to employ some internal rotation for counter muscular engagement, but not to the point where we are inhibiting the fundamental action.

                Place the feet where they comfortably land; a nice marker is to place the big toes more forward. Ultimately, the placement is about where we have the most power to drive through the heels, so that the hips extend and we activate the gluteus muscles for a more vertical trajectory.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
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                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


                Now equipped with more insight into technique, we have the capability to offer Full Wheel with more intention in our classes. Safely guiding our students is always a priority. When we can offer step-by-step instruction and actually prepare the body for “bigger movements and shapes,” we have more confidence, and so do our students.  

                There are many who can “get into the shape” with ease, but we can extract increased potential from ourselves and our students when we explore techniques that support muscle engagements that increase mobilization.

                Check out Matt’s upcoming 2025 Italy Retreat. Learn how to maximize your potential as students or teachers. Secure your spot here.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Vinyasa Immersion

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

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                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variationseka pada galavasanaFLYING PIGEON VARIATIONS When we think of different variations of postures, it’s easy to think that we should practice either “this on, or that one”.  What we may not entertain is the magnitude of focus we must place on the...

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Mastering Bakasana

                Mastering Bakasana

                Crow Pose

                MASTERING BAKASANA

                We may never truly master a posture, but as we go on a journey of exploration towards our greatest potential within our asana practice, we most definitely become masters of our own awareness—cultivating the ability to discern where to go throughout the next phases of our journey, both on and off the mat.

                As we delve into a posture like Bakasana, we become aware very quickly that we must gain a sense of our proprioception in the posture. Proprioception is essentially the understanding of where our bodies are in space. Because this is not necessarily easy, investigating the posture in different planes can assist with this understanding. In addition, applying technique is the ticket to the elevation of our abilities. The marriage between technique and proprioception will help us realize our potential in Bakasana. 

                chromatic yoga 15 hour immersion

                ITALY RETREAT


                • Spa & Yoga Retreat
                • Close to the coast line and beaches
                • 2 spa days included (sauna, hot tub, Turkish bath)
                • Morning and early-evening yoga with Matt
                • Daytime free for adventures or to enjoy Ayurvedic massage and treatments
                • Connect with incredible yogis from around the world!
                • ALL LEVELS and all ages 18-85 appropriate
                • Skillfully guided experience: yoga, meditation, breathwork
                • Biomechanics and inspirational philosophy
                • Welcoming and communal group of yogis!


                In today’s video, Matt demonstrates variations of Bakasana with techniques that help prepare our bodies for this challenging arm balance. The first variation we see is in a Malasana Pose position, which is essentially Bakasana in a squatted position. As Matt always teaches, such variations take some of the complexity out of the posture and help up home in on the foundations.  

                Here, we focus on placing the knees onto the outer arms and squeezing the knees in. Now, the element that can become more difficult when we implement the balance is the necessary spinal flexion. In this Malasana position, we practice rounding the back and extending the arms into the arm balance position, being mindful to keep the forearms parallel to the ground. This is how we begin to get more comfortable with proprioception.

                WATCH THE VIDEO


                BAKASANA ON YOUR BACK

                Bakasana on our back begins to promote increased activation in the body. Matt teaches that the objective here is to get the head and buttocks off of the ground. We are still squeezing the inner thighs into the outer arms in order to activate the adductors.

                The benefit of practicing this variation is a better understanding of the tension and strength required for the balanced variation; Bakasana on our back is the next stepping stone in developing stability and control. As we move into the balanced variation, we rely on this strength and patterning.

                200 Hour Online Teacher Training Certification



                • Deepen your yoga practice
                • Build confidence speaking in front of groups in person and online
                • Learn foundational class structures and templates
                • Learn techniques for a wide range of yoga postures
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                • Yoga Alliance Globally Recognized Certification Program

                GET LIGHTER

                When we start to implement the balance in Bakasana, we feel the heaviness of supporting our body weight. What we need to strive for is a lightness in the posture, which we access by starting with the foundation.  

                With the elevation of blocks under the feet, we can maneuver the body into deeper spinal flexion, with knees outside the upper arms and shoulders. Once the shape is created and we squeeze the legs in, we shift our weight forward. If we don’t have a good sense of proprioception, this is when the pose can fall apart. Matt brings our attention to shifting the weight out of our feet and into our hands. From here, we grip the hands more, which helps us feel more secure when leaning forward. This is where the lightness is achieved.

                300 hour teacher training online



                Master your skill set as a teacher through refined techniques, anatomy, biomechanics, sequencing, philosophy, meditation techniques, theming, yoga business, and much more!

                • Get 500 hour certified
                • Learn anatomy, biomechanics, asana techniques
                • Expand your teaching skills
                • Masterful sequencing and verbal delivery
                • Learn meditation and breathwork techniques
                • Transformative tools: theming, dharma talks, satsang


                “Knowing exactly where we are” can be interpreted in many ways. It can easily refer to our own understanding of where we are on the journey of Bakasana, in other words, to knowing which variation we need to grasp before we move towards the next. As we progress through the course of exploration, it definitely also refers to proprioception: We need to know where we are in space in order to find the lift and lightness required for this arm balance.

                Awareness enables us to adjust and refine with greater precision. With this understanding, we embrace the journey of our practice rather than an end goal. It’s through this deepened self-awareness that we can feel the subtle shifts and adjustments that lead to progress. 

                A few spots have opened up in Matt’s 2025 Italy Retreat! Secure your spot here.

                The 200 Hr. Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                The 300 Hr. Advanced Teacher Training: Click Here to See the Next Start Date

                Article by Trish Curling

                Video Extracted From: Step into the Fire Workshop

                lotus pose online yoga classes


                • Accessible, exciting, and easy to learn
                • Anatomy and biomechanics for yoga
                • Appropriate for both teachers and students
                • Learn joint alignment vs pose alignment
                • Demystify yoga poses and transitions
                • Release aches and pains
                • Learn how to avoid common injuries
                • Caters to all levels with modifications and props
                • 20 hours Continued Education Credits with Yoga Alliance
                • 20 hours toward Chromatic Yoga Certification and 300 Hour
                • Lifetime access

                Continue Learning

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The Neck

                Nurture The NeckalignmentNURTURE THE NECK The neck is not often the shining star of our yoga practice, yet it is an integral part.  Too often, we may only offer more attention if we’re feeling pain in a particular posture.  It’s important however, for us to be...

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                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip Injuries

                Reduce Hip InjuriesmobilityREDUCE HIP INJURIES The hip joint carries a great deal of responsibility.  It supports many of our key movements in our daily lives.  With all of its responsibility and involvement with how we move, it can act as a protector, while still...

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                Flying Pigeon Variations

                Flying Pigeon Variations

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                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose Drills

                Crow Pose DrillsbakasanaCROW POSE DRILLS If we’re attempting to balance in a posture like Crow pose, then the understanding of the way in which we balance our weight is crucial.  When we achieve this, not only will we find more confidence and comfort in executing the...

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                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journey

                Inversion Journeyadho mukha vrksasanaINVERSION JOURNEY In the previous blog, Inversion Success: Alignment, Drills & Preparation,  I talked about how Matt provides the education and keys to building a solid foundation to execute handstands.  What we must understand...

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                Inversion Success

                Inversion Success

                Inversion SuccesshandstandINVERSION SUCCESS We all have different definitions of success.  Success in our yoga practice could look anything like effortlessly engaging in inversions, being able to participate in breathwork techniques, and/or simply showing up for a...

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                Tuck Jumps

                Tuck Jumps


                TUCK JUMPS

                Tuck jumps can be a confidence booster when it comes to preparing for handstands. They’re not the first step in the course of preparation, but they’re definitely a way of identifying where strength and proprioception require attention.  

                By performing tuck jumps, we build strength and bring awareness to how we use our glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, and shoulders, which are essential for supporting our body weight when we’re inverted. More than this, in order to find the best alignment to support ourselves while inverted, we learn the articulations of the body in places like the pelvis, rib cage, and shoulders.

                In today’s video, Matt demonstrates drills that move us towards finding confidence in our handstand development. Ultimately, we develop increased strength and balance.

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                Handstand Preparation I

                With the support of a chair, hip flexor activation is one thing this stage of preparation for tuck jumps and handstands works on. We do this by focusing on pressing both feet down into the chair. This action is also essential because it’s always part of the setup for the drills that follow.

                Handstand Preparation II

                This time, we bring one leg straight up in the air while still pressing the other leg towards the ground or into the chair. Rolling forward with the torso and pressing the top leg back helps us use strength in the glutes and hamstrings.

                Handstand Preparation III

                Here, we alternate the legs by going from a tuck position to a lengthened position.

                WATCH THE VIDEO



                In this stage of preparation for tuck jumps, we pass through Handstand Preparations I & II. Setting up the pelvis is crucial for achieving the alignment necessary for successful jumps. Matt demonsrates a posterior pelvic tilt, which helps stabilize the lower back and engage the core effectively. He is careful to squeeze his knees together, creating unified strength in the lower body. This alignment not only enhances balance but also facilitates a smoother transition into the jump when we’re ready to explore. Additionally, Matt actively stretches his shoulders up to his ears, being careful to keep the arms active and straight. This engagement ensures that his arms are strong and ready to support the weight of the body during the handstand. By focusing on these key elements, he sets a solid foundation for mastering the tuck jump and progressing towards the handstand.

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