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Below you will find exclusive yoga videos and blogs to support your practice. You can also use the search bar if there is something specific you are looking for. Should you have any requests, please feel free to submit them using the comment form at the bottom. These videos are meant to support your growth as a yogi and to help you look inward to better understand your body. Every single body is unique, and it’s important to acknowledge that some of these techniques might unlock tremendous freedom, while others may not be suitable. Please be mindful as you explore, and if you are ever unclear on whether or not something will be good for you, please see a specialist to help guide you properly into your body. Thank you for practicing with me, and enjoy the free yoga resources!

Pigeon Pose Possibilities

Pigeon Pose Possibilities

Pigeon Pose Possibilities Actionable Steps to Refine Your AlignmentkapotasanaPIGEON POSE The word "possibility" is so powerful—it’s deeply connected to the word "hope." Possibilities is an even better word because that means there are multiple options, with more...

What’s Up With Warrior 3?

What’s Up With Warrior 3?

What's Up With Warrior 3? Key Actions for an Alignment Alterationvirabhadrasana 3WARRIOR 3 Going to a tailor to get fitted for the perfect item of clothing may just be one of the most underrated incredible feelings in the world. After all, you’re coming away with a...

Kapinjalasana At The Wall

Kapinjalasana At The Wall

Kapinjalasana at the Wall Find Maximum Stability in Your Alignmentpartridge poseKAPINJALASANA When you practice with Matt, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the creative use of props to support technique and alignment will be plentiful. The use of props will...

Get A Wheel Pose Upgrade

Get A Wheel Pose Upgrade

Get a Wheel Pose Upgrade Prop Options to Refine Your Alignmenturdhva dhanurasanaWHEEL POSE Okay, buckle up for this one! These drills and variations are about to literally flip you upside down for Wheel Pose. The unique ways in which Matt demonstrates how to use props...

Learn To Lift In Lolasana

Learn To Lift In Lolasana

Learn to Lift in Lolasana Crucial Techniques for Takeoffpendant poseLEARN TO LIFT IN LOLASANA If you read my previous blog about One-Legged Crow, then you’ll know it started off with how much Matt stresses leaning forward in that posture (and in most arm balances in...

One Legged Crow

One Legged Crow

One-Legged Crow 3 Building Blocks Before Flighteka pada bakasanaOne-Legged Crow LEAN FORWARD! If it’s one thing you’ll cozy up with when it comes to One-Legged Crow, it will be your ability to LEAN FORWARD!  In a yoga posture like One-Legged Crow, the fear of leaning...



Ashtavakrasana 3 Variations to Access This Arm Balanceeight angle poseASHTAVAKRASANA There always seems to be a sense of mystery attached to Ashtavakrasana (8-Angle Pose). How is it possible to balance in what appears to be such a complicated position for the body?...

Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training More Than You Bargained For200 & 300 Hr. DECIDING ON THE BEST YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Deciding to invest in a yoga teacher training feels like a no-brainer for some; for others, it may be a more challenging decision for a variety of different...

Compass Pose

Compass Pose

Compass Pose Variations to Challenge Balance and Flexibilitybalance & flexibilityCOMPASS POSE VARIATIONS Compass Pose, especially the variations Matt offers today, will challenge you, and not necessarily in the ways you might think. Most obviously, it will...

Supine Standing Splits

Supine Standing Splits

Supine Standing Splits Boost Your Hamstring Flexibilitystrength & flexibilitySUPINE STANDING SPLITS Tight hamstrings are a common complaint, right? They may be showing up by way of limitations in various yoga postures and/or in restrictions in the way you move in...

Vishvamitrasana At The Wall

Vishvamitrasana At The Wall

Vishvamitrasana at the Wall Techniques for Proficient Preparationsage visvamitraVISHVAMITRASANA AT THE WALL There are many stops along the way to a peak posture, but without being empowered by effective steps and techniques to implement, you are left with untapped...

Strengthen For Splits

Strengthen For Splits

Strengthen for Splits Variations for Increased FlexiblityhanumanasanaSTRENGTHEN FOR SPLITS If the Splits (Hanumanasana) had a personality, it might be one of the most vocal in the room. Aesthetically, it’s quite bold. The shape of the posture makes it evident that it...

Prepare For Lotus

Prepare For Lotus

Prepare for Lotus Standing Postures for Deep Hip OpeningflexibilityPREPARE FOR LOTUS There are multiple ways to prepare for Lotus Pose. The 5 standing postures and the techniques that are highlighted today are from a portion of a sequence Matt shares in the first...

Half Lotus Explorations

Half Lotus Explorations

Half Lotus Explorations Articulations for Your Hips, Knees, and Ankleship mobilityHALF LOTUS POSE EXPLORATIONS Lotus Pose may become accessible at different phases of your practice, but it might not ever become attainable. Half Lotus Pose and variations are a great...

Fire Log Pose

Fire Log Pose

Fire Log Pose 3 Actions for Increased Hip MobilityagnistambhasanaFIRE LOG POSE There’s such a joyous feeling when you’re unwrapping a gift and caught up in the anticipation of finding out what’s inside. This can be similar to the process of exploring a specific yoga...

Lotus Pose Variations

Lotus Pose Variations

Lotus Pose Variations Is There a Safer Option?padmasanaLOTUS POSE VARIATIONS One of my favorite episodes of Three’s Company is when John Ritter’s character (Jack) laughs at Joyce Dewitt ( Janet) and Suzanne Somers (Chrissy) when they are doing Lotus Pose during a yoga...

Pigeon Leg Lifts

Pigeon Leg Lifts

Pigeon Leg Lifts Ignite Your Core-Hip Connectionpigeon drillPIGEON LEG LIFTS Pigeon Leg Lifts are the perfect example of how you can flip a common yoga posture on its head. You may have explored several variations of Pigeon Pose, but this out-of-the-ordinary...

Rectus Abdominis Handstand Drill

Rectus Abdominis Handstand Drill

Rectus AbdominisHandstand Drill The Key Component for ControlabdominalsRECTUS ABDOMINIS HANDSTAND DRILL This rectus abdominis handstand drill takes the fear out of inversions. That may be a bold statement to make, but it’s true. If you don’t have prior experience...

Strengthen Your Diaphragm

Strengthen Your Diaphragm

Strengthen Your Diaphragm Resistance-Band Breath TechniquebreatheSTRENGTHEN YOUR DIAPHRAGM Strengthening your diaphragm. Is that a thing? It absolutely is, just like any other muscle you develop and strengthen in your body. The diaphragm is arguably one of the most...

Breathwork & Chapasana

Breathwork & Chapasana

Breathwork and Chapasana Deep Core Work for Greater Openingheart openerBREATHWORK AND CHAPASANA It’s pretty well understood that the way we utilize our breath in our yoga practice will affect our experience. We also can’t escape the fact that this understanding leads...

Learn To Fly In Side Crow

Learn To Fly In Side Crow

Learn to Fly in Side Crow Get to the Core with 3 VariationsARM BALANCELEARN TO FLY IN SIDE CROW Getting to the core of this arm balance will awaken a potential in your body that you may not be aware is even present. Learning to fly in Side Crow actually goes deeper...

Create Fluency In Your Flows

Create Fluency In Your Flows

Create Fluency in Your Flows Workshop These Vinyasa TransitionsFLUIDITYIS IT "FIND" OR "CREATE" FLUENCY IN YOUR FLOWS? It’s most definitely possible to say “find” fluency in your flows when it comes to a Vinyasa-style yoga practice, but I believe “create” is a more...

Build Strength & Endurance

Build Strength & Endurance

Build Strength and Endurance Infuse Calisthenics Into Your Yoga PracticeresilienceSTRENGTH AND ENDURANCE WITH CALISTHENICS There are both simple and more complex ways of infusing calisthenics into your yoga practice, especially as you get stronger and build upon...

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2

Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 Five Drills for Greater Accessflying splitsEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA 2: STRENGTH AND POISE The elegant long lines of a posture like Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 require a great deal of strength and preparation. The pose also requires both ease and...

Smooth Seated Jump Throughs

Smooth Seated Jump Throughs

Smooth Seated Jump Throughs Skillful Transition Techniques SimplifiedmovementSEATED JUMP THROUGHS It’s true that seated jump throughs are an example of how to seamlessly create a link between two yoga postures, but they also provide a lot of information about how you...

Seated vs. Standing Dandasana

Seated vs. Standing Dandasana

Seated vs. Standing Dandasana Prepare for Seated Forward Foldstaff poseSEATED VS. STANDING DANDASANA Seated vs. Standing Dandasana (Staff Pose)—why compare the two? Not only are we going to examine how they differ, but we’re also going to dive in and really look at...

Transversus Abdominis

Transversus Abdominis

Transversus Abdominis Connect to Your Core With This Twist Techniquespinal rotationCONNECT TO YOUR CORE Once you are exposed to transformational techniques for your yoga practice, there’s no turning back. In the context of asana, these techniques open you up to a...

Hip Flexor Strength

Hip Flexor Strength

Hip Flexor Strength Access Deeper Forward FoldsuttanasanaHIP FLEXOR STRENGTH OVER HAMSTRING FLEXIBILITY? Hip flexor strength for deeper forward folds over hamstring flexibility? It’s not a matter of one or the other; it’s about how one can inform the other. It’s also...

Spinal Freedom In Revolved Low Lunge

Spinal Freedom In Revolved Low Lunge

Spinal Freedom in Revolved Low Lunge 5-Part Twist TechniqueanjaneyasanaREVOLVED LOW LUNGE TECHNIQUE You’re going to multiply the benefits of twisting postures with this 5-part twist technique. There are already benefits you may knowingly and/or unknowingly receive...

King Pigeon Variations

King Pigeon Variations

King Pigeon Variations Full Body Awareness for Your ShouldersmobilityKING PIGEON If you’ve practiced with Matt before, you’ll be aware of the domino effect or the ripple effect of how a yoga posture unfolds. Matt brilliantly breaks down every pose with care and...

Reverse Plank Pose

Reverse Plank Pose

Reverse Plank Pose Scapular Retraction for Back StrengthPURVOTTANASANAREVERSE PLANK POSE Asymmetry is a common issue when it comes to our asana practice. Opportunities to work on strengthening muscles in the back body are much less frequent than opportunities to...

Crow Pose On Blocks

Crow Pose On Blocks

Crow Pose on Blocks Take Your Shoulder Stability to New HeightsSTABILITYCROW POSE  It’s not unusual to have a healthy amount of fear and hesitation when it comes to finding balance in crow pose: Will I fall? Am I strong enough? Will I hurt myself? One of the most...

Side Angle Pose

Side Angle Pose

Side Angle Pose Shoulder Fix at the Wallupward rotationSIDE ANGLE POSE Stop for a moment and think about how many times you lift your arms overhead in any given asana practice. There are plenty of opportunities, aren't there? Side Angle Pose is a perfect example.  ...

Open Splits

Open Splits

Open Splits Follow This Flexibility FormulaSAMAKONASANAOPEN SPLITS Open Splits is one of those postures that may not always make it into your asana practice, but there are a number of good reasons for it to start showing up more often. It does require a considerable...

Leg Over Head Preparation

Leg Over Head Preparation

Leg Over Head Preparation Access Deeper Hip OpeningFLEXIBILITYLEG OVER HEAD PREPARATION Looking at a posture like Leg Over Head Pose, you might think that this extreme hip opener is completely off the table in terms of incorporating it into your yoga practice. Don’t...

Fire Hydrant Pose: Hip Technique

Fire Hydrant Pose: Hip Technique

Fire Hydrant Pose: Hip Technique Stability & Mobility Unleashedhip mobilityFIRE HYDRANT POSE: HIP TECHNIQUE Part of the equation for improved function and mobility of the hips is building and creating strength, but first you have to understand how to actually do...

Hip Rotations: Techniques For Increased Mobility

Hip Rotations: Techniques For Increased Mobility

Hip Rotations Techniques for Increased Mobilityrange of motionHip rotations for increased mobility Injury, pain, and tightness are unfortunately just a few of the things that are commonly associated with the hips. Making efforts to improve hip mobility can help you...

theyogimatt on deep rooted bliss podcast

theyogimatt on deep rooted bliss podcast


L Pose Handstand Training

L Pose Handstand Training

L Pose Handstand Training Activate Core and Hip Flexorshandstand prepL POSE HANDSTAND TRAINING We’re all aware of the importance of taking baby steps when we have a bigger goal we’d like to achieve. L Pose Handstand training falls under that category when it comes to...

Serratus Push Ups Tutorial

Serratus Push Ups Tutorial

Serratus Push-Ups Tutorial Variations for StrengthstrengthWhat Is The Importance of Serratus Anterior Push-Ups? When you hear the term “boxer muscles,” you most likely know that it’s referring to the serratus anterior. However you refer to it, it's an important part...



SHORTEN TO LENGTHEN YOUR STANDING SPLITS  INCREASE FLEXIBILITY WITH THIS TECHNIQUEHANUMANASANASHORTEN TO LENGTHEN What does shorten to lengthen your standing splits even mean? Does that even make sense? At first thought it may seem counterintuitive that if you want to...

Open Your Heart in Camel Pose

Open Your Heart in Camel Pose

OPEN YOUR HEART IN CAMEL POSE  Layer These TechniquesustrasanaOPEN YOUR HEARTThere's such a majestic and robust quality when it comes to heart openers in a physical yoga practice. In order to open your heart and gain greater access to a backbend such as Camel Pose,...

Take Flight in Crow Pose

Take Flight in Crow Pose

TAKE FLIGHT IN CROW POSE Strengthen Your WristsKAKASANAWHAT IS THE SECRET TO TAKING FLIGHT IN CROW POSE?In order to take flight in Crow Pose, it may seem obvious that a great deal of emphasis needs to be placed on your hands, but what often happens is that a great...



KICK UP INTO HANDSTAND  Master 3 Key Actions alignmentHANDSTAND—3 KEY ACTIONS “Squeeze in, turn in, tuck the tail.” These are the 3 key actions for handstands that Matt explains are a must. These may sound like simple cues, and they may even be easy to execute if...



EKA PADA BAKASANA II The Essence of Push & PullTHE GUNASTHE GUNAS—The essence of push & pullWe’ve all experienced the essence of push and pull in one way or another. Its presence is evident all around and within us. We all experience the rise and fall, the...

Downward Dog Shoulder Alignment

Downward Dog Shoulder Alignment

DOWNWARD DOG SHOULDER ALIGNMENT  How Yoga Props Enhance Your Downward DogADHO MUKHAALIGNMENT QUESTIONS IN DOWNWARD-FACING DOGHow many times have you done Downward-Facing Dog in your yoga practice? I can’t answer that either. It’s a posture that shows up in a yoga...

Calm The Mind with Meditation

Calm The Mind with Meditation

CALM THE MIND  GO BENEATH THE SURFACESUTRA 1.2CALM THE MIND“If restraint of the mental modifications is achieved, one has reached the goal of yoga.” This is taken directly from The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (pg. 3). “Yoga is the experience we have when all vritti...

hamstring stretch technique for wide legged forward fold

hamstring stretch technique for wide legged forward fold

WIDE-LEGGED FORWARD FOLD  INCREASE YOUR FLEXIBILITY WITH RECIPROCAL INHIBITIONPRASARITAa safe approach to increasing flexibilityIt’s not unusual to feel “stuck” in our yoga practice at times. We may come to a place in our physical practice where we are not...

Bow Pose: Where to Breathe in a Backbend

Bow Pose: Where to Breathe in a Backbend

BOW POSE—WHERE TO BREATHE  YOGA ANATOMY • BIOMECHANICS • TECHNIQUEBOW POSEThe Challenge of breathing in backbendsEver feel short of breath in a backbend? You aren't the only one. Where to breathe in a backbend is a popular question, and rightfully so. If you look at...

side plank variations

side plank variations

Side Plank Variations VASHISTASANA • MODIFICATIONS • TUTORIALSIDE PLANKExtended Side plank variations  [Click Below to listen to the Audio Version of "Extended Side Plank"]There are definitely more ways than one to access a yoga posture. Not only that, but Matt is...


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