Free Videos and Blogs
Below you will find exclusive yoga videos and blogs to support your practice. You can also use the search bar if there is something specific you are looking for. Should you have any requests, please feel free to submit them using the comment form at the bottom. These videos are meant to support your growth as a yogi and to help you look inward to better understand your body. Every single body is unique, and it’s important to acknowledge that some of these techniques might unlock tremendous freedom, while others may not be suitable. Please be mindful as you explore, and if you are ever unclear on whether or not something will be good for you, please see a specialist to help guide you properly into your body. Thank you for practicing with me, and enjoy the free yoga resources!
Deep Dive Into Chaturanga
Deep Dive Into Chaturanga Shoulder Action Controversyshoulder stabilityDEEP DIVE INTO CHATURANGA Earlier this week, Matt posted a video on his Instagram page highlighting the shoulder blade movement that takes place in Chaturanga—moving from protraction to retraction....
Strengthen Your “Shelf” For Mayurasana
Strengthen Your "Shelf" for Mayurasana How to Prepare for This Unique Arm BalanceDELTOIDSSTRENGTHEN YOUR "SHELF" FOR MAYURASANA Let’s note that muscle groups do not work in isolation: The activation of accessory muscles, although not necessarily the focal point, are...
What Are The Tilts Of The Scapula?
What Are the Tilts of the Scapulae? 4 Postures to Help You Lock Into These Shoulder ActionsSHOULDER ROTATIONWHAT ARE THE TILTS OF THE SCAPULAE? When we first dive into studying anatomy, it’s all about the basics. Once the foundation is laid, it becomes easier to...
Awaken Your Rotator Cuff Muscles
Awaken Your Rotator Cuff Muscles 6 Exercises for a More Stable Side PlankBELIEFAWAKEN YOUR ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES The rotator cuff muscles carry a great deal of responsibility. When healthy and strong, they help to keep the head of the humerus inside of the glenoid...
Samskaras What Have You Decided About You & Your Yoga Practice?BELIEFSAMSKARAS Even though we uncover a great deal about our bodies in our asana practice, we actually unearth much more from the other areas of our yoga practice. If we get the opportunity to delve...
Headstand and Forearm Stand
Headstand and Forearm Stand Master This Imperative Shoulder Actionscapula elevationHEADSTAND AND FOREARM STAND Getting straight to the point, the imperative shoulder action in Headstand and Forearm Stand is elevation of the scapulae. This is the best way to fully...
The Impact Of A Hip Stretch On The Knee Joint
The Impact of a Hip Stretch on the Knee Joint Are Your Knees at Risk?hip openerTHE IMPACT OF A HIP STRETCH ON THE KNEE JOINT The knee joint can be quite vulnerable: “Of the lower extremity joints, the knee sustains the highest percentage of injuries, particularly...
Connect To Your Abductor Muscles
Connect to Your Abductor Muscles 5 Unique Variations for Increased Stretch and Strengthhip stabilityCONNECT TO YOUR ABDUCTOR MUSCLES Once you’ve been exposed to what’s possible in your asana practice, there’s no turning back. What I mean is that it’s possible to...
Pelvic Movement & The Hip Joint
Pelvic Movement and the Hip Joint Understand the Influence in Your Practice and Your Bodyhip mobilityPelvic Movement and the Hip Joint The hips are a combination of challenge, ease, freedom, restriction, strength, and weakness. You could very well be experiencing all...
Glutes & Hamstrings
Glutes and Hamstrings 8 Skills and Drills for ActivationstrengthGlutes and Hamstrings How many times has your yoga teacher said “feel your glutes” in a particular posture in a yoga class, but you’re not sure exactly what that means or what it’s actually supposed to...
Bound Ardha Chandrasana
Bound Ardha Chandrasana Technique, Accessibility, and ExpressionBOUND HALF MOONBOUND ARDHA CHANDRASANA As Matt shares the 5 Powers of Consciousness from Tantrik yoga philosophy in his current immersion, The Power of Bliss, he reminds us that they are powers that exist...
10 Sun Salutation Skill Sets
10 Sun Salutation Skill Sets Polish Your Technique for Masterful ActionPOWER YOGASUN SALUTATION SKILL SETS The feeling you get from flowing on your mat to the rhythm of your breath can feel like paradise. There’s a freedom involved in seamlessly flowing from one yoga...
3 Ways To Stretch & Strengthen Your Neck
3 Ways to Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck Home In on the Awareness of Your PostureNECK MOBILITYSTRETCH AND STRENGTHEN YOUR NECK A common postural tendency or pattern for so many is slouching, which includes forward head posture due to the amount of time spent at a...
Take Action In Flying Pigeon
Take Action in Flying Pigeon Asana and the 5 Powers of ConsciousnessEKA PADA GALAVASANATAKE ACTION IN FLYING PIGEON Interesting about seeking and incorporating a yoga practice is that the entry point is quite different for everyone. There are many reasons you may be...
Inversion Drills
Inversion Drills Conquer Fear Through TechniqueSIRSASANAINVERSION DRILLS Are you the type of person who avoids inversions altogether, or do you eagerly await the option in your yoga classes? Matt infuses Chromatic yoga with the philosophies of ancient Tantric yoga to...
Ignite Your Core
Ignite Your Core Add These 7 Postures for Strength and StretchingSPINAL FLEXIONIGNITE YOUR CORE It’s no secret that you go to your yoga mat for a purpose, whatever that may be on a given day. It’s important, however, to marry that purpose with intention. When it comes...
Dragonfly Pose
Dragonfly Pose Techniques for Hips and for Arm Balancesparsva bhuja dandasanaDRAGONFLY POSE Recently, I was listening to a podcast where the founder and CEO of Spotify, Daniel Ek, mentioned the quote “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”...
Bound Side Angle
Bound Side Angle 2 Variations To Open Up Your ShouldersexpandBOUND SIDE ANGLE You might either approach Bound Side Angle with excitement or with a sense of fear. If you adopt a certain perspective, it’s possible for the word “bound” to evoke a sense of freedom in the...
Dancer Pose
Dancer Pose The Chromatic WaynatarajasanaDANCER POSE Dancer Pose is the kind of posture that embodies both grace and strength. In order to integrate these two things into your practice of this posture, there are quite a number of pieces of the puzzle to consider. You...
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana
Eka Pada Urdhva Dhanurasana Where to Induce Strengthback line strengthEKA PADA URDHVA DHANURASANA There’s no doubt that back-line strength (more specifically, strength from the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and erector spinae) is a requirement to elevate your hips off...
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B
Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B Increase Your Range of MotionFLEXIBILITY BOOSTUTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTHASANA B In my previous blog, we looked at how Matt prepares you for Standing Nose to Shin (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A). Although there are multiple similarities...
Standing Nose To Shin
Standing Nose to Shin Variations for a Solid FoundationstrengthSTANDING NOSE TO SHIN Standing Nose to Shin is an exceptional preparatory posture for Hanumanasana, or Splits Pose, but it is an equally profound posture on its own. It also requires thoughtful...
Strengthen Your Adductor Muscles
Strengthen Your Adductor Muscles Incorporate These Drills Into Your Yoga PracticeactivationSTRENGTHEN YOUR ADDUCTOR MUSCLES The adductor muscles are commonly left as a lower priority when it comes to building strength in your yoga practice. It’s not that there aren’t...
Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Dog
Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Dog Shoulder Mechanics SimplifiedALIGNMENTPLANK, CHATURANGA, UPWARD DOG How many times have you heard the cue “Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Dog” in a yoga class? If you’re a regular practitioner, it’s probably quite often (particularly in...
Eagle Pose Legs
Eagle Pose Legs Pelvic Articulations to Find the BindgarudasanaEAGLE POSE Eagle is a yoga posture that can really highlight the relationship between your pelvis and your hips. Of course, the more you understand your body and how it works, the more you begin to...
Neck Alignment
Neck Alignment Techniques to Find More Ease in HeadstandsirsasanaNECK ALIGNMENT FOR INVERSIONS Yoga postures typically start “from the feet up.” The same is true when it comes to inversions—it’s just flipped upside down. The positioning of the head and neck sets the...
Pigeon Pose Possibilities
Pigeon Pose Possibilities Actionable Steps to Refine Your AlignmentkapotasanaPIGEON POSE The word "possibility" is so powerful—it’s deeply connected to the word "hope." Possibilities is an even better word because that means there are multiple options, with more...
What’s Up With Warrior 3?
What's Up With Warrior 3? Key Actions for an Alignment Alterationvirabhadrasana 3WARRIOR 3 Going to a tailor to get fitted for the perfect item of clothing may just be one of the most underrated incredible feelings in the world. After all, you’re coming away with a...
Kapinjalasana At The Wall
Kapinjalasana at the Wall Find Maximum Stability in Your Alignmentpartridge poseKAPINJALASANA When you practice with Matt, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that the creative use of props to support technique and alignment will be plentiful. The use of props will...
Get A Wheel Pose Upgrade
Get a Wheel Pose Upgrade Prop Options to Refine Your Alignmenturdhva dhanurasanaWHEEL POSE Okay, buckle up for this one! These drills and variations are about to literally flip you upside down for Wheel Pose. The unique ways in which Matt demonstrates how to use props...
Learn To Lift In Lolasana
Learn to Lift in Lolasana Crucial Techniques for Takeoffpendant poseLEARN TO LIFT IN LOLASANA If you read my previous blog about One-Legged Crow, then you’ll know it started off with how much Matt stresses leaning forward in that posture (and in most arm balances in...
One Legged Crow
One-Legged Crow 3 Building Blocks Before Flighteka pada bakasanaOne-Legged Crow LEAN FORWARD! If it’s one thing you’ll cozy up with when it comes to One-Legged Crow, it will be your ability to LEAN FORWARD! In a yoga posture like One-Legged Crow, the fear of leaning...
Ashtavakrasana 3 Variations to Access This Arm Balanceeight angle poseASHTAVAKRASANA There always seems to be a sense of mystery attached to Ashtavakrasana (8-Angle Pose). How is it possible to balance in what appears to be such a complicated position for the body?...
Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Training More Than You Bargained For200 & 300 Hr. DECIDING ON THE BEST YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Deciding to invest in a yoga teacher training feels like a no-brainer for some; for others, it may be a more challenging decision for a variety of different...
Compass Pose
Compass Pose Variations to Challenge Balance and Flexibilitybalance & flexibilityCOMPASS POSE VARIATIONS Compass Pose, especially the variations Matt offers today, will challenge you, and not necessarily in the ways you might think. Most obviously, it will...
Supine Standing Splits
Supine Standing Splits Boost Your Hamstring Flexibilitystrength & flexibilitySUPINE STANDING SPLITS Tight hamstrings are a common complaint, right? They may be showing up by way of limitations in various yoga postures and/or in restrictions in the way you move in...
Vishvamitrasana At The Wall
Vishvamitrasana at the Wall Techniques for Proficient Preparationsage visvamitraVISHVAMITRASANA AT THE WALL There are many stops along the way to a peak posture, but without being empowered by effective steps and techniques to implement, you are left with untapped...
Strengthen For Splits
Strengthen for Splits Variations for Increased FlexiblityhanumanasanaSTRENGTHEN FOR SPLITS If the Splits (Hanumanasana) had a personality, it might be one of the most vocal in the room. Aesthetically, it’s quite bold. The shape of the posture makes it evident that it...
Prepare For Lotus
Prepare for Lotus Standing Postures for Deep Hip OpeningflexibilityPREPARE FOR LOTUS There are multiple ways to prepare for Lotus Pose. The 5 standing postures and the techniques that are highlighted today are from a portion of a sequence Matt shares in the first...
Half Lotus Explorations
Half Lotus Explorations Articulations for Your Hips, Knees, and Ankleship mobilityHALF LOTUS POSE EXPLORATIONS Lotus Pose may become accessible at different phases of your practice, but it might not ever become attainable. Half Lotus Pose and variations are a great...
Fire Log Pose
Fire Log Pose 3 Actions for Increased Hip MobilityagnistambhasanaFIRE LOG POSE There’s such a joyous feeling when you’re unwrapping a gift and caught up in the anticipation of finding out what’s inside. This can be similar to the process of exploring a specific yoga...
Lotus Pose Variations
Lotus Pose Variations Is There a Safer Option?padmasanaLOTUS POSE VARIATIONS One of my favorite episodes of Three’s Company is when John Ritter’s character (Jack) laughs at Joyce Dewitt ( Janet) and Suzanne Somers (Chrissy) when they are doing Lotus Pose during a yoga...
Pigeon Leg Lifts
Pigeon Leg Lifts Ignite Your Core-Hip Connectionpigeon drillPIGEON LEG LIFTS Pigeon Leg Lifts are the perfect example of how you can flip a common yoga posture on its head. You may have explored several variations of Pigeon Pose, but this out-of-the-ordinary...
Rectus Abdominis Handstand Drill
Rectus AbdominisHandstand Drill The Key Component for ControlabdominalsRECTUS ABDOMINIS HANDSTAND DRILL This rectus abdominis handstand drill takes the fear out of inversions. That may be a bold statement to make, but it’s true. If you don’t have prior experience...
Strengthen Your Diaphragm
Strengthen Your Diaphragm Resistance-Band Breath TechniquebreatheSTRENGTHEN YOUR DIAPHRAGM Strengthening your diaphragm. Is that a thing? It absolutely is, just like any other muscle you develop and strengthen in your body. The diaphragm is arguably one of the most...
Breathwork & Chapasana
Breathwork and Chapasana Deep Core Work for Greater Openingheart openerBREATHWORK AND CHAPASANA It’s pretty well understood that the way we utilize our breath in our yoga practice will affect our experience. We also can’t escape the fact that this understanding leads...
Learn To Fly In Side Crow
Learn to Fly in Side Crow Get to the Core with 3 VariationsARM BALANCELEARN TO FLY IN SIDE CROW Getting to the core of this arm balance will awaken a potential in your body that you may not be aware is even present. Learning to fly in Side Crow actually goes deeper...
Create Fluency In Your Flows
Create Fluency in Your Flows Workshop These Vinyasa TransitionsFLUIDITYIS IT "FIND" OR "CREATE" FLUENCY IN YOUR FLOWS? It’s most definitely possible to say “find” fluency in your flows when it comes to a Vinyasa-style yoga practice, but I believe “create” is a more...
Build Strength & Endurance
Build Strength and Endurance Infuse Calisthenics Into Your Yoga PracticeresilienceSTRENGTH AND ENDURANCE WITH CALISTHENICS There are both simple and more complex ways of infusing calisthenics into your yoga practice, especially as you get stronger and build upon...
Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2
Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 Five Drills for Greater Accessflying splitsEKA PADA KOUNDINYASANA 2: STRENGTH AND POISE The elegant long lines of a posture like Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 require a great deal of strength and preparation. The pose also requires both ease and...

Recommended Classes & Courses
Looking to go further in your practice? Here is what I recommend.
Handstand and Arm Balances
Original price was: $168.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $168.00.$128.00Current price is: $128.00. Add to cart -
Step into The Fire
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Freedom of The Heart
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
10 Day Handstand
Original price was: $498.00.$297.00Current price is: $297.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$34.00Current price is: $34.00. Add to cart -
Workshop Series-shoulder-mastery
Original price was: $98.00.$78.00Current price is: $78.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $48.00.$28.00Current price is: $28.00. Add to cart -
Blissful Hips
Original price was: $168.00.$98.00Current price is: $98.00. Add to cart -
Power of Bliss
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
Chromatic Yoga 15 Hour Immersion
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
From: Original price was: $464.00.$440.80Current price is: $440.80. Select options -
Original price was: $168.00.$138.00Current price is: $138.00. Add to cart -
Flow and Fly
$148.00 Add to cart -
$148.00 Add to cart -
Original price was: $128.00.$108.00Current price is: $108.00. Add to cart -
breath of fire
$148.00 Add to cart -
$168.00 Add to cart
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Showing 25–36 of 70 results
Hip Mobility
$148.00 Add to cart -
Handstand and Meditation
$168.00 Add to cart -
Anatomy Bundle
Original price was: $504.00.$459.80Current price is: $459.80. Add to cart -
Anatomy of The Heart
Original price was: $168.00.$148.00Current price is: $148.00. Add to cart -
Anatomy of Arm Balances
$168.00 Add to cart -
Anatomy In Motion
$168.00 Add to cart -
Yoga & The Sutras
Original price was: $148.00.$118.00Current price is: $118.00. Add to cart -
$148.00 Add to cart -
Spinal Awakening
Original price was: $148.00.$118.00Current price is: $118.00. Add to cart -
Original price was: $138.00.$128.00Current price is: $128.00. Add to cart
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